Chapter 1

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After Yu Zhong died we can see him floating in some black space no light can be seen, no sound can be heard, space just there doing nothing, but suddenly someone calls to him.

???: Black Dragon welcome to my domain you are here because you died in your previous life.

Yu Zhong: Huh so I did die well what do you need me for.

???: Well Black Dragon you are here because you will be fulfilling a task that needs to be saved from evil.

Yu Zhong: So... what type of world is this? Can you give me the details about this world?

???: Very well then in this world, there is this thing called quirks, these quirks are what you call your abilities from your other life.

Yu Zhong: So will I still be able to keep my appearance and abilities or I will have a new one.

???: Glad you asked, you will still be able to have your appearance and abilities but you will need to train your body so that the body will have full control of your abilities because if you don't train your body who knows what will happen to your body.

Yu Zhong: Okay that seems simple enough, so when will I be able to be in that world?

???: Ahh yes you will be going now, also forgot to mention to you but you will be in a kid's body, good luck in this journey Black Dragon you will need it.

Yu Zhong: Okay, also can I get your name.

???: Ah they call me "The Lord of Conquest and Worlds" now I shall send you to this world goodbye Black Dragon.

Yu Zhong's body starts to vanish as he wakes up in a hospital, he was looking around and notices that there was a young lady with green hair and have a plastered smile on her face.

???: Hello my baby boy welcomes to the world.

??? Proceeded to hug Yu Zhong.

Doctor: Ma'am what will you name the boy.

???: I will call him Izuku, Izuku Midoriya.

Doctor: Okay ma'am it's already in the certificate.

???: Thank you doctor I appreciate it.

Doctor: *Smiling* no problem ma'am just doing my job.

Timeskip to when he is four years old


The boy was jumping up and down on her mother's belly happy that he was going to see his quirk for the first time

???: Okay okay slow down Izuku there is still more time and we still need to eat breakfast.

Izuku: Oh yeah we still need to eat teehee.

The mother just sighed at her son's antiques, she started to get up from bed cooking for her and Izuku breakfast as we see Izuku being hyperactive, excited to see his quirk

???: Okay Izuku in the meantime can you go watch your All Might videos.

Izuku: Okay mom. Izuku started to run upstairs to his room ready to watch some All Might video, meanwhile, we see Yu Zhong just chilling in the mid of our young protagonist.

Yu Zhong: Jesus Christ this kid is something. He said as he was also watching an All Might video from Izuku's eyes.

Lets time skip to when Izuku/Yu Zhong is in the quirk doctor

Quirk Doctor: Can I get the  Midoriya's.

???: Oh that's us sweetie let's go.

Izuku: Okay mom!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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