Chapter 136 - 145

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Chapter 136 - It’s Too Late. The Intelligence Service


  Both Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen who were sitting on the lawn sprang up when they heard the news. These boys would usually banter with Chen Xinyi, but during critical moments like this she was still like their baby sister.

  When they heard the girl exclaim that Chen Xinyi was kidnapped by some gangsters, the youthful color on their faces was drained at once.

  “Which direction did they leave in?” Yun Jian who was relatively calmer asked the girl.

  Despite being still clouded in terror, the girl pointed to a direction amidst her sobs.

  Yun Jian moved immediately, walking at first before beginning to sprint.

  Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen could care less about the snacks on the lawn as they chased after Yun Jian. No matter how hard they ran, however, they could not catch up with the girl.

  Zhang Shaofeng was already used to this fact but to Ling Yichen it was perplexing. Yun Jian’s previous shooting skill had already astonished him and now, her running pace was so fast it was like she was flying. He could not help doubting if Yun Jian had enlisted in the military. How else could she possess such marksmanship and speed?

  Arriving before the boys to the front of the washroom where Chen Xinyi was kidnapped, Yun Jian scanned the vicinity with a squint.

  It was too late to pursue the men now. Chen Xinyi must have already been brought out of the forest park.

  When Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen caught up to Yun Jian huffing and puffing, Ling Yichen was surprised once more seeing that Yun Jian was not even panting.

  “Master, what do we do now?” Zhang Shaofeng asked anxiously.

  He was a wealthy young master after all, expectedly panicking since he had never encountered something terrifying like this.

  “Let’s call the police!” suggested Ling Yichen.

  Any mishap that could have happened would have already occurred by the time the police began investigating.

  “It’s too late.” Yun Jian turned to tell the boys. In comparison, she was composed despite the emergency.

  Yun Jian did not believe this case was as simple as Chen Xinyi being kidnapped.

  “Do you have your phone?” Yun Jian looked at Zhang Shaofeng.

  She did not bring hers, partially because it was inconvenient as she was out for a leisurely trip today. Simply put she was lazy to carry the device around.

  “I do, I do!” Zhang Shaofeng nervously fished out a phone from his pocket without asking what Yun Jian was planning. He did not know why he felt that the matter would get resolved smoothly as long as there was Yun Jian.

  Yun Jian took the phone and pressed a few buttons lithely to make a call.

  There were no touchscreen gadgets yet during that era and Zhang Shaofeng’s phone was a Nokia. Nokia was recently growing popular, evidence of Zhang Shaofeng’s affluent family background since he could keep up with new product trends.

  “Do – do – do –”

  The call was connected at once but the other end of the line did not speak when it picked up.

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