Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't know if I could do it. Didn't think it would be possible. I was scared, almost terrified! I was trying to hype myself up into doing it, but every time I neared the door with the mission to do it, I chickened out or panicked. This last time I actually managed to open the door before I slammed it shut again without moving from the apartment. I slumped down on the floor in the entrance way.

"Urgh!" I growled in frustration at my stupid insecure self.

When Ms Margo told me I looked good without wearing my big glasses last night, I had decided it was time to leave them behind. But I couldn't. I physically couldn't. Every time I neared the door with the intent to remove them from my life, I felt physically ill and presented signed of a panic attack.

"I should just burn them. I don't need them any more. Where I now live is safer than where I grew up so do I really need to hide away any longer? No one has try to touch me since..." I was talking to Bura who had tottled over and was now sitting on the floor with his head tilted to one side. I turned to find Rubee trying to trying to get off the chair in the corner. I'd placed a little make sift ramp from the seat to the floor and she was using is beautifully. I got up and went over to praise her.

"Good girl, well done. What a clever kitty!" She purred and chewed on my finger that she caught in her paws. She we well today, much to my relief.

"OK, Little Lady. Well, you've certainly showed me up, haven't you?" I was a first-rate chicken, scared of my own shadow. Sigh. I stared at my glasses again and went over it in my head. I began using glasses to hide my face when I was nearly accosted coming home from school when I was seven. I kept wearing them once I turned thirteen and boys in my classes started noticing pretty girls. It was a way to keep myself safe, but I no longer needed to do this.

"I could take up karate training, or kick boxing. At home. Urg. I'd never be able to even go to a single class. There must be video packages that you could buy to learn from the comfort of your own home? Yes, I'll do that. Then I'll get a hair cut." I said pulling my dry and damaged hair over my shoulder to look at. A few strands broke off just by looking at it.

"I'll learn how to wear make up, learn which clothes suit me, and learn to wear something that isn't canvas shoes." I looked down at my new pair I purchased yesterday.

I looked at my old frames again. It was time to get them go. So I did. I went out onto the balcony (sans kittens) and threw them off the top floor! I watched them land on the street below and get run over by a car wheel. Eeek!

I quickly hid myself from the edge by sitting down and giggled, half in surprise at my stupidity – I could have just cut them up or put them in the bin – and half in fear that the driver of the car whose wheel I had just damaged would come up and give me an earful.

I giggled again, just because I was proud of myself and happy that I'd done it, that was until I realised I still had to go out the door again and leave the actual apartment building. People were out there, not up in here.

I came back inside from my empty balcony, kissed my kitties goodbye and finally left the apartment. I passed a few people on the way down in the lift and in the lobby of the condo building. No one stared. No one pointed a finger. No one even said a word. That gave me the courage to go to the breakfast bakery and buy a celebratory breakfast bun. Or chocolate raspberry cake. Yes, it was definitely a chocolate raspberry kind of morning.

I waited in line, purchased my cake, came back home and was none the worse for wear. Yus! Project remove glasses was a success. Then I cried my eyes out as I ate chocolate cake in bed.

Three days later I went out again. I had run out of fresh food in the apartment and had to go to the neighbourhood supermarket for supplies. I'd totally suck in a zombie apocalypses... I had spent the last few days putting together the cat's climbing frame that had arrived and testing all the cool little toys on the kittens. They loved all of them. Rubee seemed to be especially interested in the catnip filled play things. My guess her sense of smell is developing stronger than her big brother's. Good kitty.

Three days to assemble a scratching frame? Oh you caught on to that, did you? Yeah, I had to go online to watch videos on how to get the whole thing assembled. It was either that or ring Grant to come over and help me, but I'd never do that. Not yet anyway.

So supermarket shopping. Yup. Big new world for me too. Lots of many new things these days. I got what I needed, went back for more, bought a slow cooker, then realised I would have to lug it home, then quickly scampered home as fast as I could.

Low and behold, I bumped into another doggy friend on the way. The little cream puff multese was owner-less, so I sat down with her to play, right there outside the building, just in case she lived in my low rise block. She didn't. A younger teenage girl and her grandfather came over quickly once they spotted her. They lived a few buildings over. They thanked me as I tried to quickly run away, offering to pay for rescuing her. I refused and quickly ran into my building. Grateful people can sometimes be scary.

It wasn't until later, after I painted a picture of my lovelies that I realised that I hadn't used my glasses all day and it no longer seemed to bother me. I laughed and subconsioulsy pushed my glasses back up onto my face... Stupid idiot.

I had videoed my new painting, the process of using tea and red cabbage as my ink. The tea is self-explanatory, the cabbage – what you do is boil quarter of a cabbage in a little bit of water for a good twenty minutes. Once it is cool, you add a splash of lemon juice and the colour changes from bright purple to a dark blue. Perfect for brilliant eyes and shadows.

I uploaded that to my freelance page and added notes underneath. I vaguely wondered if I should also add it on a social media page, like TikTik or Ytube... This lead into an evening of social media accounts being registered and all of my stuff uploaded. I then advertised which sites were where on my page, then shut it all away and went to check out my books.

Woah – need more management of the reviews and comments. It is getting a bit much. Truly. I spent an hour answering everything I could, promising more to those who demanded and ignore those who wanted to ask for spoilers. I've been making an effort to upload the next chapter each day now that I have a huge following. Even the new stories have up on the other web novel sites have exploded.

I posted my freelance site on my author profile, now that I felt that I had some more art and poetry (song lyrics from my last life time).

So tired. Kitty cuddles. Bed time.

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