Don't tease me...

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Tristan climbs off me for the 3rd time today. I close my eyes as exhaustion ripples through my body. I can practically hear the smirk on his face and I'm not even looking at him.

This man certainly knows what he's doing in bed. Despite the fact I'd only been with one man before,still he's 100 times better than the last guy.

"Good?" His voice cuts through the silence and causes me to smirk. Even his voice is sexy. It doesn't help that I'm remembering what he'd just done to me...

I want him again already...

"Hayley?" His voice becomes stern and I realise it's now in my ear. I hadn't answered...

I snap my eyes open and look at him

His eyes were staring directly back into mine,relighting the flame that had only just been extinguished within me. I nod

"Very good" I croak

I furrow my eyebrows at my voice

I croaked! This man! What he does to me

I watch as his lips curl into a smile,he knows the affect he has on me. I'm sure he's used to it. He has many women,I'm sure they react all the same. They swoon with just one look...

"I make you nervous don't I?" He asks.

I attempt to play it off

"Pfffft no you don't" I chuckle

Hey that was pretty convincing,even I bought that. Well done Hayely!

His eyes narrow and I immediately gulp...there's something about him...I reckon he could be quite kinky if he wanted to be. I don't know whether that frightens me or...excites me.

Granted I've never done kinky and the few times me and Tristan have had sex,it's been the usual so maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. A strong willed,powerful man like him...something tells me it doesn't stop in his office...

He thrives off of the control,almost feeds off of it. Although as scary as that may sound to a normal person,the idea of submitting my will to him in bed rather excites me. Does that make me strange? That's got to be strange? Even saying that about myself doesn't sound normal.

Oh dear.

"You're lying" he smirks at my previous answer.

I completely forgot we were still having this conversation,getting too caught up in my own thoughts...

Crap,maybe it wasn't that convincing. What do I say now?

My mouth drops a little and I go to say something...


God damnit!

I take a breath as I suddenly think of a smart remark,only to be silenced with his lips. Smashed against mine,I don't respond at first. He caught me off guard. I then start matching his intensity,only for him to pull back and then turn off the bed and walk over to where his clothes were.


I sit there shocked

What just happened?

I watch as his toned and chiseled body begins to be covered by his clothing. I feel my lips swell,I'm actually pouting. I'm sure he's done that to tease me,surely he won't actually get dressed?

His head turns to me and he bites his lips seductively while buttoning up his shirt. I watch as his teeth sink into that lower lip...

Mmmm that lower lip that I was biting not too long ago. I let myself sink back into the moment,remembering all the dirty little details. Looking down as his head was buried between my legs,seeing his heated gaze as his tongue traced the tenderness of my...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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