Chapter 17

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I'm jolted awake by a ruthless slap to the face. My head pounds horribly as I slowly regain consciousness and open my stinging eyes. I try to rub them, but when I move my hands, I notice that I am tied tightly to a wooden chair with a disgusting tasting cloth stuffed into my mouth. Looking around, I take in my location. I'm sitting in the middle of a dark, dingy, smelly basement with concrete walls, ceilings, and light brown shag carpet. The air conditioner in the corner is blowing ridiculously loudly and there looks to be a dark red stain a few feet away from me on the floor. Hopefully, that isn't my blood.

"Lucy girl, are you awake?"

A familiar voice approaches from behind me and I tense up waiting for another slap. Kyle walks around to the front of me and bends down to my level.

"Ah, yes you are. You don't look too good."

I narrow my eyes angrily and try to wiggle out of the restraints I'm in. Of course, I don't look good, I was drugged, tied up, and now I've been slapped. I try to yell at him through the gross washcloth but all that comes out is muffled screaming.

"Don't be mad at me. I did this for us."

Kyle takes his finger and drags it across my face in a slow, sultry way. I try to move my head away but he grabs my chin roughly and pulls me towards him.

"Ever since we broke up a year ago, I've wanted you back. I followed you around for half a year. Sometimes watching you go to work, sometimes I would follow you home, and I got curious when you started visiting the prison. At that party, when you said you were visiting Braden every week, I knew I had to do something before he took you from me. So, I drugged your wine and tried to fuck you."

My heart stops and I reel back from his hand. He was the one that drugged me at the party?!

"You pushed me back and screamed so loud I had to leave before fuckin' Michelle found me. The next time I saw you, you were with that asshole Braden and I knew he claimed you just by the way he had his arm around you. It makes me sick how you can be with someone like him. You are MINE. Always have been and always will be. I did some deep research on Braden and found he was in the Cynicals. I reached out to them and they were more than happy to use you as bait to get Braden back."

Shaking my head I try once again to get out of my restraints. Kyle notices this and wraps his hand around my throat in a painfully crushing grip.


Immediately I stop fidgeting and he releases me. I let out a few coughs and try to regain a normal breathing pace. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Listen, once the Cynicals take Braden, you and I can be together. You'll realize how horrible he is and how much you want to be with me."

I narrow my eyes and shoot daggers at him. How dare he do this. This is not the Kyle I have known forever. What the hell has gotten into him?

"Settle down Kyle, we have shit to do. I can't listen to you yammer on and on all day."

A girl says from behind me. She walks around to stand next to Kyle and I recognize her to be the brunette, Sugar, that I saw sitting next to Braden at that bar. Sugar looks me up and down and slowly smirks deviously. Walking towards me, Sugar balls her fist and hits me right on the mouth in a painful blow. My head whips to the side and my lip splits open, blood spurting out.

"Let's rough her up so we can send a photo to Braden. Boss wants him over here as fast as possible. And keep her quiet, Boss doesn't know she's here."

Kyle nods and walks towards me. Bracing myself, I close my eyes knowing what's coming next.

"Lucy, this is all part of our plan. Endure the pain for our relationship."

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