Chapter 22

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*A/N: Enjoyyyy <3 <3 Comment as you read and let me know what you’re thinking!! Your comments motivate me to keep writing this story :))

On a separate note-- y’all-- I’m suddenly absolutely living for Jason and Tim bonding time, I don’t know why. (Speaking of which-- how do you guys feel about it?) Also, just to be clear, everything between Jason and Tim is and always will be in any of my stories completely platonic. It’s just some sibling fluff y’all <3 

    Grace was actually excited to go on vacation.

    How she felt about things required so much more thought now. She had to make sure she wasn’t falling for the same old tricks that she’d fallen for before. But she also wanted to enjoy life. Because she was living with a billionaire. A billionaire she couldn’t really stand, but still.

    And hey, if he wanted to fly them all out to a luxe Island resort, she sure as hell wasn’t going to complain. 

    She’d been to the beach before, but the small, rocky, narrow kind with more trash on the ground than sand. So yeah, she was looking forward to it while not really knowing quite what to expect. But knowing Bruce (knowing Bruce’s money, really,) it would be five-star. 


    “The jet’s ready to board,” said Jason from beside her, pulling out a card to pay for the books they were buying from the airport bookstore.

    “Let me,” said Grace, pulling out one of the cards Bruce gave her. She knew Jason never used Bruce’s money for anything. That was the difference between them, maybe. (Only Jason pretended to hate Bruce, and Grace pretended to love Bruce. But Jason wouldn’t use his money and Grace would. That was ironic somehow; but Grace couldn’t quite sort it out.) 

    He looked like he wanted to protest, but he let her swipe the card, and then they headed back to the private flight gate together.

    Yeah, she’d never been on a private jet either. It was kind of awesome.

    “Hey, guys,” said a voice, and Grace flinched, spinning around to see Dick walking up to the gate’s entrance, flashing his boarding pass at a security guard.

    Dick. He ruffled Damian’s hair and then looked up, locking eyes with Grace.

    Grace looked away.

    “So glad to see you doing better,” he said, voice soft, unsure.

    “Thanks,” she responded, turning to Jason awkwardly. “You said the jet was ready to board?” 

    “Tt, it’s our jet, we can board it whenever we wish,” said Damian in a snotty voice, and then he marched off down the boarding corridor. 

    “Er-- I guess we’re going, then,” said Grace awkwardly, snatching the handle of her suitcase and rushing off after Damian.


    Anything to get away from the stifling tension near Dick.

    The private jet was like nothing Grace had ever seen before.

    “Tt, father chose the smallest one,” said Damian, nose wrinkled, “probably so as not to overwhelm you.” Damian then chose to shoot Grace a disapproving look, as if it were her fault that he had to sit in a twenty million dollar private jet instead of a seventy million dollar private jet. Grace scoffed at him. Oh, to have the problems of a millionaire.

The inside of the jet was a deep, glossy blue, and the seats were huge, practically like armchairs. There was a snack bar and video games hooked up to every flatscreen TV in front of the seats. 

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