Chapter 6 (EPISODE 1-PART 6)

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Authors note: i hope you enjoyed this while i was dying in second hand embarrassment. And also my lazy ass was cramming homeworks and i passed them all late and i just, why am I like this?

Beautiful girls. In other words, girls with exceptional looks.

"I wish that could be me"

"I feel you"


"My average self can't relate. I'm content in being ordinary and that is enough for me"

'I wish I could be normal', Saiki thought as he sighed deeply. 'Literally, that couldn't be me'.

"That's...deep", Yumehara utters while deep in thought.

"This is so inspirational! Everyone! Let's do our best in have a loving yourself campaign after we get out of this room!", Hairo exclaims as he stands, full of vigor.

"Yes! Let's go!"

Saiki then looked at the mess Hairo got himself to. Around him, was full of cheering students, excitedly telling others their plan on executing the 'love yourself' campaign. It was simply touching that he couldn't help but feel fond for the passionate and overally energetic man.

'Good grief. I hope he never changes',  Saiki thought as he fondly looked at him. 'Idiots'.

'My name is Kokomi Teruhashi. If I do say so myself, I think I'm the perfect example of a beautiful girl', Teruhashi narrates while walking, holding a cute white umbrella as she glows.

"Oh... T-Teruhashi!", majority of the students exclaimed.

'So true though. She is a perfect example of a beautiful girl!'

'Such presence!'

'I just jinxed myself, did I? I'm so stupid!', Teruhashi thought in frustration as she watched her screen-self.

"Oh...", the people uttered as Teruhashi walked past them.

'I'm not saying it out of arrogance. It's just a fact. But I don't boast about my beauty'.

"Well, what she is saying is technically true"

Many students nodded in agreement.

"Wanna have some tea with me?", a random guy asks Teruhashi.

"Back off from Teruhashi!"

"Yeah! What he said!"

"That's kind of disgusting now that you think of it"

"How so?"

"Well, a random adult man asking a teenage high school girl to have tea with him while he is clearly attracted to her, screams suspicious if you ask me"

"Oh shit, how did I not think of that?!"

"Well...we tend to forget about it?"

Those who heard their conversation were now doubting themselves. How could they also not notice that?! It's pretty obvious now when you think about it!

They were ashamed of themselves. They thought as they proceeded to sulk in a corner as they rethink their decisions in life.

Those who were not sulking, were now getting concerned for Teruhashi's overall safety. But before they can further think about it, the screen then shows the next scene.

'If I were your average beautiful girl...'

'Go to the pig farm and find yourself a nice little piggy. I'd probably say something like that, but I'm not like that'.

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