6581-6600 Debt Collection

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Chapter 6581 Return 5

  On the way back, Su Luo did nothing else. She spent all of her time writing pricing.

  She didn't have time to make steamed buns, so she went straight to the point.

  Isn't the border city a bun to exchange for a source of fire stone? As soon as Su Luo exchanged a pound of white flour for a source of fire stone, the children became so excited!

  Primitive tribes are good at hunting, but planting is so strange to them? So they are very short of white flour.

  As for other things, they were also marked by Su Luo.

  She didn't look for someone else, and directly handed the matter over to the five teenagers in front of her: "I'll leave this to you to do. After it's done, how about one magic pill for one person?"

  It's not too hard. The matter, one by one magic pill! If this is in the clan, it will definitely be snatched away!

  "Master Su Luo, in fact, it is possible to have no magic pill, you are so good to us..." Ao spoke out as a representative.

  Su Luo shook his head: "This matter is an agreement with your Great Prophet. Improving your strength is only to increase the success rate of this mission. I will give it back to each person with a magic

  pill ." NS.

  Everyone beamed and smiled along the way, wishing the Mist Flower Lightning Falcon would fly faster and faster!

  When the Mist Flower Lightning Falcon passed over their own domain, it did not alarm its people, but took advantage of the darkness of the night and continued to fly towards the Fire Source.

  However, what everyone on the Wuhua Lightning Falcon did not expect was that the Huoyuan Clan at this moment was caught in a tense and excited pre-war rhythm!

  There was no information designed by Su Luo before, and he returned to the Huoyuan Clan with a few remnants.

  When the news was rescued by the tribe, he certainly wouldn't say that it was because of his greed that caused the anger of the foggy and lightning falcons to hunt down. He opened his mouth and blamed it on Ao!

  Faced with the angry gazes of the elders in the clan, Xun said angrily: "Ao and their greedy Mist Flower Lightning Falcon's devilish energy, especially the Lord Su Luo, are even more arrogant and self-willed. Under her leadership, their team hunts A foggy lightning falcon!" The

  elders were angry!

  What kind of existence does the Mist Flower Lightning Falcon exist for the Fire Source Race? That is the gatekeeper to the outside world!

  It allows the Huoyuan Clan to connect with the civilized world, and the Huoyuan Clan can communicate with the outside world. If it disagrees, the Huoyuan Clan can only stay in the jungle for a lifetime!

  "Mistflower Lightning Falcon is something we can't afford to offend! Don't Ao know? How can he let Master Su Luo take the initiative to hunt Mistflower Lightning Falcon!" The four elders of the pro-elder sect were furious!

  The fifth elder slapped the table fiercely: "I said long ago that foreigners are untrustworthy! Untrustworthy! But for you, he has saved a few tribesmen. She is a good person. Now it is good, because she is alone. Our entire Huoyuan clan will be ruined by him!"

  "It's not because of the patriarch! If it weren't for the patriarch, the girl from outside would have been driven away by me!"

  At this time, there is not only the big elder faction in the room. People from the patriarch are also there.

  Therefore, the people on the patriarch's side immediately stopped doing it!

  Especially the grumpy three elders!

  He slapped the table angrily: "What are you talking about? Is it a fake for Master Su Luo to save ten people?!"

  The elder said:

  "He saved ten people, but all the ten people followed Your three elders are getting close, and the ghost knows if it's acting!"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 6582 Return 6

  "Yes, maybe you are too stupid. You are designed to be great benefactors!"

  "I think this possibility is really high." The

  three elders were furious: "You are stupid. People! You don't believe her, in short, I believe her! I'm convinced!"

  Before the elders could refute, the third elders smiled coldly and pointed to the news and said, "This man wants to eat swan meat. Before this news, she coveted Miss Su Luo and was slapped on the spot. This is a hate, so I deliberately said that Miss Su Luo killed the foggy lightning falcon!"

  "You know the maintenance..." The

  third elder sneered: " We know what to maintain? What did he say at the time? Is there evidence? Then I said that the foggy lightning falcon was actually killed by his young master, and it was they who wanted to cook and eat. Believe it or not! "

  Four elders: "You are speculating at all!" The

  third elders sneered: "Yes, I am speculating, but what evidence do you have to prove that my conjecture is wrong? You just believe what he says. ? " "

  he's hearing the young master is the great elders only son what he said, we believe!!! "

  two elders a faint hum, pointing to the news:" But what he said I do not believe. "

  three elders nodded:" To be honest, I I really don't believe in his character." For

  a while, the house was caught in a quarrel.

  But the chief elder and the chief elder, who were the principals, sat there without saying a word, smoking a mouthful of dry cigarettes in their hands.

  Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the great elder finally couldn't help himself. He stared at the patriarch: "What do you say about this?"

  Since the patriarch was injured, the elder's attitude towards the patriarch has gradually changed. Respectful, more and more perfunctory, until now, even the patriarch is not called.

  If the great elder knew that the patriarch's injuries were mostly healed under Su Luo's treatment, I wonder if he would give up his weapon and surrender now.

  Precisely because they don't know, the ignorant is fearless, so the great elder at this time is still very brave.

  The patriarch is still so careless, spitting out dry smoke.

  The patriarch seemed to have not heard the words of the great elder, looked at the news lying on the bed, and smiled faintly: "You said, it was the foggy lightning falcon killed by Master Su Luo?"


  "You said it was Master Su Luo who wanted to eat fog. Flower Lightning Falcon?"

  Xun's heart trembled slightly.

  It's really hard to tell about this...

  the corpse of the foggy lightning falcon that fell from the sky can still be blamed on Su Luo, but if you eat it, everyone on his side knows that this matter has nothing to do with Su Luo. .

  "Did Master Su Luo propose to eat the Wuhua Lightning Falcon?" The patriarch looked at the news with a smile, smiling like an old fox.

  "Yes...yes!" Xun made a firm fist!

  The three people who escaped alive are all his confidants, and it is impossible to betray him!

  "Master Su Luo ate the Wuhua Lightning Falcon? If she ate it, the part she ate was the wings? The front legs, the hind legs? Which part?" The patriarch began to ask the details.

  News make a fist!

  "If you didn't eat it, the Wuhua Lightning Falcons would not be so angry, so you must have eaten it. Since you didn't eat it, it must be Lord Su Luo and the others who ate it. So, what part did Lord Su Luo eat? Did you stop it?" The patriarch smiled mysteriously.

  The eyes of the second elder gradually lit up!

  (End of this chapter)

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