Chapter 22 | Crying

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We walk side by side looking around the children's who are running around in the park. The park is quiet silent and only few laughters of kids can be heard since it's already nine, there are not many people here.

I sip the milkshake at time to time wondering how it still is half full when we both were sharing it and I remember taking a long big sip so I can drink more—I know I am being greedy here but it tastes amazing I can't do anything.

"I talked to your sister...she wanted to explain so I thought I should give her a chance" I glance at him when he starts speaking I nod at that agreeing to him. "And I didn't ask you because I know you would say a straight No because you were not good mindset because of your abbu" I only nod at that because that's true if I was not eager on finding what the reason behind her running away was I would have stomped his leg and asked him why he always name my parents as your father your mother can't he just call them ammi abbu like I do to his parents.

"What did she say?" I play with the straw in between my lips forgetting that I was sharing my drink with him in nervousness which suddenly has grown up inside me at the thought of him leaving me after getting a good explanation from Zaina.

"Do you know she wanted to do job and study further?" He turns his head to look at me so I bob my head up and down "And do you know she applied for a job in the tech company which is the biggest company in Jeddah?" I blink my eyes at this new information.

"That company which has big buildings and also have many branches throughout the word and-and you have taken a picture with that old man...Abbu showed me in a magazine you were shaking your hands with him" I point my finger at him asking him if my information in my head about that company is true.

A chuckle leaves his lips at my description but he nods "Yeah...your sister applied for a job in that old man's company and well...just few days before our marriage she was selected" he stops walking when we reach a place which shows the city view.

"Oh...she did not say anything to me" he hums in response "yeah she did not say you but she said your mother...and she was not good with the idea of her working and she clearly said her to cancel this proposal because girls after marriage should handle their marriage life and she should be a housewife—well ammi is housewife so I won't be saying anything against it cause it is a very difficult job which is done for free but a woman has all rights to do work if she wants to and I thought ammi clearly said that on our engagement but your mom did like this idea of her working so she took this step of running away cause she was scared" he explains in a very calm tone.

And I am not even doubting at his words cause I know how ammi is and there is high possibility of her saying this.

"So she ran away cause she was afraid she will become a housewife and she didn't want to loose this opportunity" I repeat whatever he said in smaller sentence and he nods at that.

"Yeah and she said she didn't want to leave me because..." he looks at me feeling hesitant to say the words which I already know "because she loves you?" He licks his lips not liking this topic but nods and I am trying my best to ignore the clenching of my heart.

"I know that she said she likes you because you are calm and just like her and I am sure you felt the same" I chuckle to hide the pain I am feeling cause from her words and his words I can tell if I say a yes or give them a nod he will give me a divorce and marry Zaina again.

Again I am going to be used as a puppet and nod to whatever they say.

I gulp my saliva stopping myself from crying as much as I can.

He stands there in silence and doesn't say a word but only stares at me.

"You—" I clear my throat when it comes out low and deep "so you guys are good now? So you both talked on what your going to do later? You must have discussed what am I saying—I am not asking you tell me everything don't worry" I fake a giggle when there is nothing to laugh about but to hide my pain I need to smile and grin.

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