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Harry is pissed off.

He's agitated after the diner, and I know this because his fingers are digging into the side of my thighs as the car manoeuvres it's way into the parking lot of Six Flags. The drive here has been awkward border lining unbearable, with him chewing his gum relentlessly in my ear, for so long now that I doubt it has any taste left at all. It's an annoying sound but I wouldn't dare to ask him to stop.

When I glance up into the rear-view mirror, his eyes are either roaming out of the window with a blank expression, or closed as he leans his head back against the headrest with steady breaths. Either way, I don't think he wants me sat on top of his lap right now, and it feels much more uptight than when we sat like this earlier.

I try to make myself as little and as light as possible on his lap as not to annoy him further, I don't know what it was exactly that triggered him, but I know from experience that I also tend to make it worse. Maybe it was the fact he spilled his alcohol, or maybe it was the fact he had to pay for everyone's meals. But there's a silence which falls over the car, because everyone knows not to mess with Harry when he's angry.

I wish I could flick the switch in him and change his mood so we could enjoy Six Flags together. I've never been before, but an amusement park is definitely a vacation in comparison to what we've dealt with recently. I think it could be good for us to detox here, eating overpriced popcorn rather than conducting gas station heists.

Niall jumps out of the car and jogs to buy a parking ticket whilst the rest of us sit silently in the car. Louis sits in the passenger seat but rotates his body around, peering directly at Harry and I in our corner. I was hoping that my expression came off as unbothered, but the tension must clearly be visible because Louis mouths, "Ignore him!" to me, whilst Harry isn't looking.

I pass Louis a weak smile, grateful for his ability to recognise the fact that I'm uncomfortable right now. I've been uncomfortable many times in Harry's presence due to the nature of our situation, but this feels different. I know I'm probably the root of his bad mood, but for once I can't pin down why.

What did I even do back at the diner?

"Alright, love-birds and co. Let's jump in that queue before it's too long." Niall pops open the door and puts down the parking ticket on the dashboard, flashing a reassuring smile at the car that is otherwise completely thick with tension.

The guys slowly begin to filter out, walking laps around the car to stretch out their cramps after the drive. I put my hand on the door handle to push it open, but Harry's hand reaches out to stop me. I grow confused, twisting to look at his hooded eyes. "I'm not going," He whispers, but we're still so close that I can feel his breath fan over my lips. His breath smells like a combination of the cherry gum he's always chewing, mixed with the tequila from the diner.

"Why not?" I answer softly. "Don't you like rollercoasters? It could be fun."

His eyes glance out of the window, top teeth biting into the plush cushion of his wet bottom lip with uncertainty. There are bags under his eyes, and it makes my stomach sink with sadness. He's tired. He's tired, probably in part because of all he's done to make sure that I'm safe the past couple days. I don't blame him for being so worked up over everything that it's hard for him to finally unwind and enjoy our 'day off'.

"You know... I've never been here, but I'll bet they make really good cotton candy." I smile, trying to be reassuring for him. I don't know what else to say—it's weird that he's let his guard down around me for once, it feels like I have to tread on eggshells or I could say the wrong thing and cause him to snap again. I just want us to get along, and I can see that he doesn't feel like voicing his emotions right now.

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