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A week after the Gates' dinner party...

Zion Grand Hotel

"Your highness, these are the interim financial statements of the Yushkova Tradings Inc." Neero's right-hand man gave him the documents.

"Thank you." The royalty replied as he examined the files. Neero was relieved that the company is thriving. His efforts didn't go unrewarded.

"Aaron, prepare the plane." The aristocrat instructed as he types on his laptop.

"Where are we going, your highness?" The assistant inquired with a confused expression.

"Back home. And it will only be me this time, Aaron. I need you here to monitor and be my representative to various meetings." Neero responded.

"Y--Yes, your highness."

Neero then stood up. He opened the main door of his suite and decided to take a drive around the city capital.

As he stood at the entrance, a random woman, who seemed like in a panic state, turned to his direction and made a sudden move.

She kissed him and turned their bodies around so that the man was now blocking the doorway and in effect, her back is facing the room.

Two men, who are dressed in formal suits, were lurking at the hallways.

"Where's that woman?" The one man hissed.

"Let's look over there. For sure, she hasn't gotten that far." The other man uttered.

"Boss will be pissed. He paid a great price for that biss." The men sped their way to the end of the corridors.

The woman loosened her grip on the man's shoulder and muttered a quick 'thank you' before she leaves in a hurry and didn't glance back.

"Y---Your highness, are you alright?" The assistant shakenly inquired.

"Oh yes, I am." Neero replied with a raspy voice. Actually, he wasn't able to respond to the intimate action because of astonishment. Though the softness of that person's lips remained on his and gave him a weird sensation.

"She...she dared to assault you. That woman needs to be responsible." Aaron uttered sharply.

The royals do have a higher status and no one has ever pluck up the courage to do that kind of thing.

"Let's head to the monitoring room, then." Neero's eyes glinted and were full of intrigue.

Both men headed towards the security area.


Yushkova Mansion

"Son that's enough! Get a hold of yourself." Victoria scolded. Her son was already intoxicated with alcohol. He has been drinking everyday since the dinner party.

Devon furrowed his brows. "Why mother? Did you also have enough of us years ago, that's why you had that other son of yours?"


Victoria slapped her son, who's sitting at the chair in the study room.

Devon's mouth twitched in the sudden impact but stayed in the same position and continued drinking.

"I don't need to explain myself anymore because you have the same thought as your father's. What's the use, right? But the fact remains that I am your mother. Son, you need to man up." His mother told him.

He laughed sarcastically then leaned his head on the chair's backrest. How ironic it is to hear such words from his mother.

"Just leave me alone." Devon expressed as his head throbs.

He doesn't need advises. He doesn't need someone to remind him of the messy things that had happened. He only needs something that can make him forget.

Victoria looked at him with distress and left her son, who drank the night away.

"I really screwed up."

Devon said to himself and let out the emotions that's been building up through these days.

With so much remorse, he unconsciously shed tears that lonely night.


On the other part of the mansion, a young woman has been also lamenting. The duchess still didn't want to believe that the man she dearly loves has gotten married to the woman she despised.

She knows her future in this family is uncertain but she needs to accept the reality. Her unborn child needs a shelter.

Thinking of the bitter truth, she slumped on the bed and cried again.

'We need to survive, little one.'


Zippi Manor

"Where have you been?" The matriarch asked her daughter.

"J---Just somewhere." Ariel uttered and hurriedly went to her room.

She clutched her chest as she remembered the terrifying episode earlier. She was almost caught by those savage men.

Ariel cried at her misery. She thought everything will be alright at this time. But still, her reputation gets the best of her.

Everyone looks at her like she's someone who easily gives herself in exchange of something greater.

She doesn't want to live like that for the rest of her life. She learned the hard way. She regretted what she has done.

Ariel then absent-mindedly looked over the photo frames which were arranged over her dresser. She reached for a particular picture of three young ladies with innocent and happy faces.

She hoped that it's not too late. She cannot face the other two women just yet. But, in spirit, she uttered a heartfelt apology particularly to the one whom she had caused a lot of pain.

'I'm very sorry, Natalia.'

YSABELLE M. | 2021


★ H Series ★

1. His Unforgetful Wife - Completed

2. His Deceitful Woman - Ongoing

3. Her Perfect Alternative - Drafting


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