Chapter 2

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You cannot kill the inhabitants of the shadow isles, that is another common truth.

But the knight does not know that, she would not care less anyway.

She is an inhabitant of the isles too after all.

The monster throws his scythe, the bone chain clicking like metal on metal.

The shadow sidesteps it before backflipping at incredible speed over the retreating scythe, her movements defying gravity.

She dashes forward, faster than the monster's weapon. The black and red broadsword explodes with energy mid swing but the monster releases an explosion from its lantern, sending the blackened figure across the air from the sheer force of it.

The girl lands without much difficulty on the remains of a wall sticking out of the water, the woman in the fishing boat looking up at her with shock.

The monster's cackling resonates in the ruins, catching the attention of the crying woman. "Humans come here with hope."

The shadow has already set foot on the shore and prepares another strike.

She swings her weapon before getting closer, the energy coming out of it acting as an extension of the blade. 

And yet again she is thrown away, this time by an endless stream of wraith slamming at her side and preventing her from getting off of the wall they push her into.

"But we are always waiting." The creature starts to vanish, believing that the fight is over.

The vengeful souls gets exploded by a beam of pure magical energy twice as tall as the monster himself.

As it subsides, the ground has taken a red-orange shade as the shadow's power has melted the stone.

The wall trapping the knight is broken down into rubble by the inhuman strength of the fighter. She throws her sword at the monster, stabbing it in the leg up to the hilt and stopping him from leaving.

Surprised, it cannot stop the girl from grabbing its head and slamming it on the ground repeatedly in rage.

Unfortunately, it does not feel pain.

It grabs her hand with its claws, the girl reciprocating it with lightning reflexes before ripping its fingers off, a foot on its chest to get leverage.

She grabs the hilt of her sword and pulls it toward herself in a flash, cutting the injured leg off.

The battle has been one sided from the start, the shadow being several leagues higher than the monster.

Trying to grab the floating lantern, the knight almost lost its head, a turquoise zweihander hissing where her neck was moment ago, right before she jumped.

She gets ready to explode the intruder's head with a airborne kick but the lantern suddenly flashes, making her incredibly dizzy and giving the man the occasion to cleave her in half.

With difficulty, the knight blocks the blow but cannot stops herself from being thrown away, sliding on the ground like a ragdoll.

The monster and the man exchange words but the shadow cannot understand their language.

Putting his oversized sword over his shoulder, the intruder walks toward the weakened girl, ready to deal the finishing blow.

However, when he is close enough, the shadow gets covered by a cyan aura for a fraction of a second, the air distorting around her.

She grabs his ankle and throws him as far as possible, but she fails her aiming and he ends up crashing into a building, the debris staying in midair thanks to the magic of the isles.

The knight summons another weapon.

For the woman on the boat, the all black object resembles a distorted staff.

But for a Piltovian, it would be easy to understand what it really is.

The weapon floats next to her, the girl aiming with her outstretched arm. The monster throwing its scythe in an attempt to stop her.

Blue energy gathers around the tip, entering the contraption.

With a deafening deflagration, highly concentrated energy is shot at the monster, the projectile so fast that it cannot move out of the way.

Thankfully for it, the shot was not aimed at it.

Unfortunately, it's lantern explodes, freeing the numerous souls it has accumulated over the past centuries.

It curses in anger, using all its energy into reforming it.

Out of the maelstrom of souls, the shadow dashes toward the boat, running on the water and pushing it away from shore. Thankfully, the tip of the boat is not protected, meaning that she can control it by the outside.

The human screams when the boat shakes, decaying sea monsters attacking the shadow.

The knight stabs her clawed gauntlet in the shark on her back and smashes it on the giant lobster going for her neck, letting go of the boat in the process.

She starts to run, the creatures jumping behind her in fruitless assaults.

The mist around the shore gets thicker, signifying that the intruder has recovered from his flight session.

The girl turns toward him, a hand on her chest before making a retreating backflip, lifting a wall of water between them in the process. The liquid turns to ice as wraith rush in her direction, breaking the wall within seconds.

It turns back into water drops before switching back into ice spikes, crushing the wraith attempting to pass. The knight repeats this process until there is no more water in the air.

She struggles to muster enough concentration to create a current strong enough to take the human woman out of the isles reach.

Her broadsword in one hand, she prepares a similar energy beam as before, ready to annihilate her opponents.

The girl leans over, dodging a ghostly shark passing over head and unfortunately cancelling her attack.

Sea creature takes the opportunity and jump on her, leaving no gap in their formation.

The girl, still leaning forward, gathers as much energy in her leg as she can, her whole body radiating with a cyan energy for a fraction of a second.

After what she vanishes, a shockwave expelling all the wraiths who where unlucky enough to be in range and creating a giant wave crashing on the shore.

Calms follow, corrupted beings silently searching for her presence nearby without much success.

There are only the monster and the man, the later cursing and putting a hand on his forehead, as if he suffered from a headache.

The Lost KnightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang