Chapter 46 - Leavi

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A simple snowfall has never made me nervous before

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A simple snowfall has never made me nervous before. But the idea of being stuck here for skies know how long while Veradeaux and the Man from the East are still on the hunt for Aster gives life to fluttery dread in my stomach. I shove it down, though, and smile at Idyne.

Her gaze is light, body language relaxed, weight shifted onto one leg—an almost natural pose. A smile rests on her lips, one hand at ease on her hips. But looking closer, there's cracks in her easy-going facade. Dirt streaked down her face, dark bags under her eyes, tiny twigs strewn among the beaded braids. She reminds me of some of the Dock girls Tavion and I used to go out with. They'd smile and laugh like they didn't have a care in the world. Then they'd drink themselves into oblivion. There was always something in their eyes. A haunted look, like they were running from a past they couldn't quite escape. And Idyne is a runner if I've ever seen one.

I try to keep my expression light. "See?" I say, gesturing to Marcí. "Like she said, you're stuck here. Might as well get that leg fixed before it gets worse." I wink at her. "My room's up the stairs, first on the right. I'll meet you there."

Not giving her time to argue, I go get some water and cloths. When I get to the room, she's there, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You know, I don't know a lot of folks that go around bossing people they've just met."

I laugh, sitting the bowl of water on the bedside table. "I don't know a lot of people who don't want their injuries treated."

"I don't know a lot of people that like admitting they're injured."

"That's fair," I smile. "Here, let me see."

"Are you a doctor?"

"Not exactly, no." I dip the cloth in the water. "But I study..." Vitaliti is what I want to say. "People. And animals. It doesn't take much"—I tap my temple—"knowing to be able to clean an injury."

She cocks her head at me. "What language do you speak?"

A sly smile slips over my face. "Show me your leg, and I'll tell you."

She tips her head at me in playful irritation. Waving her hand, she says, "Fine." She pulls up the bottom of her leggings, revealing a long, jagged cut.

"That doesn't look too deep," I say as I pat the skin with the wet cloth.

She hisses, then frowns. "You haven't kept your side of the deal yet."

"Errelian," I answer. "Can you turn your leg slightly?"

She does, then says, "Say something."

My smile gains a mischievous tinge. "Gihseirre."

"Just repeating 'something' in the other language is not creative, Leavi."

The cloth drops from my hand. "You... you're speaking Errelian."

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