Chapter 6

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I woke up in my bed, still drowsy from my restless sleep. I'm in my room?

I'm in my room! I run out and see Kimberly studying on the couch while Gabby ate a sandwich. They looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. I'm home! It was all a terrible dream. Thank you, God!

I grab my phone and call my mom.

"Hello, this is Jess speaking." I almost burst into tears.

"Hi mom."

"Hi honey. Is everything ok? You sound like you've been crying." Her voice is like music to my ears. I've never been so grateful to hear her voice.

"I'm fine love. It was a bad dream and I wanted to hear you." I tell her honestly. "I'm going to make a few other calls, but I'm so happy to hear you mom."

"Ok, be safe baby. Love you."

"Love you too! Bye mom." I spent the next hour calling family and friends just to hear their voice and I have never felt more relieved.

I finished my last call when someone knocked on the door. Gabby gets the door before I could. "Hey Lilly. The captain's here for you." and I could feel my stomach drop.

Captain General marches through with a small army. "Sorry Lillian, but vacation is over." Sargent Win and Dr. Brooke grab me by the arms and drag me out kicking and screaming.

"No, leave me alone." I toss and turn in my bed. "I'm not Lillian!" I shot up hyperventilating in a cold sweat. I'm still on the ship. I should have known better than to believe in a dream. I look around Lillian's room.

I guess it's my room now. I fell asleep on a twin-size bed with gray sheets and one pillow. The room was painfully simple. A black desk at the foot of the bed with only a matt and tablet on top. All the drawers to the desk are empty.

The room has three doors. The one I used to get in has a mic right next to it with two buttons underneath.

The bed was on the left side of the room and the other two doors were on the right. I open the door on the right side of the two. It was a closet with the same blue and black uniforms everyone was wearing. Two pairs of white sneakers on top of a dresser under the hanging clothes. The door on the left led to a small bathroom. The toilet is next to the sink and then the shower. A white towel hanging on a hook on the other side

I check the cabinet under the sink. All it has is 1 toothbrush, unopened toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. Lillian is the definition of the bare minimum.

I get up from snooping and see myself in the bathroom mirror. It's hard to believe its me only after one day. The bandages were lightly soiled and dry blood was stuck on the sides of my face. My dark brown hair was gone, I look as if the stress aged me, my hazel eyes dimed, the green faded into the brown. Is that even possible?

I can't believe I look so lifeless.

No! I'm not going to let them turn me into a hopeless tool for them to use. I wash the blood off my face in the sink. I figure out how to turn on the shower, while that heats up I grabbed a some clothes. I'm careful not to get my head wet when I shower as I scrub off the blood and sweat.

I start to feel better as I get clean. I finish getting dressed when someone had knocked on the door. How do I open the door? I press the right button under the mic, and I could hear them on the other side of the door.

"- believe they actually found her? I thought she was dead." It sounded like a woman, but like she was talking under water.

"I know. And the whole 'I lost my memory' routine? No way is anyone buying that stupid story." A different girl commented. Her voice sounds like a toddler.

"I bet she's faking it so she won't get kicked out for going AWOL. What an evil bit-"

"I can hear you." I say into the mic. "I don't know how to open the door from this side."

"Uh... We weren't talking about you Ms. Champ. We were talking about someone else we know." The toddler tried to save herself, but I couldn't care less. It's not like I want to be here anyway.

"I don't care that you were talking crap. Just tell me how to open the door."

"It's the button on the left. It's under the mic wear you can hear us." The water lady said.

When the door opens, I'm greeted with a 6'10 Harpy woman with black hair and a 5'7 woman with octopus' legs and navy-blue hair. I roll my eyes at them both as they give me fake smiles and apologize.

"Like I said, I don't care that you were talking crap about me. Your opinions mean nothing because you mean nothing to me." I tell them truthfully. I never cared about other people's opinions about me , unless they were friends or family. If I didn't care on Earth, why would I care now?

They looked at me in shock, sucking air like dying fish. I roll my eyes. "Is there a reason you came to my room, or did you just want to insult me to my face?"

The harpy started to talk. "We are to escort you to Dr. Brooke's lab." So, she was the one that sounds like a child. I'll remember her.

The walk to the lab was a quiet one. The two felt uncomfortable for sure. When we got to the lab, they almost tripped on each other trying to leave.

It was just me and the doctor now. He sat me down and inspected my head. "Before you meet A1, there are some things you should know." He said as he cleaned and changed the bandages on my head. "It used to be the original Lillian's P.A.I.R. and will treat you to all of her preferences. Also, it has been told the same thing as everyone else. You lost your memory and had a separate life on Earth."

"So?" I say bitterly.

Just remember who I'm doing this for. Better me than my little brother.

"So, it will try to help you recover your memories and watch over your mental health. After all, you just lost your family."

"I'm doing this to protect my family. I haven't lost them." I bite back.

He laughs as he leaves the room like I said a joke. I don't believe in hate. It's a terrible feeling to have, but the doctor is getting close to that feeling.

He came back with 6'3 man with white hair and silver skin. He is wearing a simple black and white suit, his hair carefully combed back. He was well built but not bulky. More lean than anything. He almost looked human other than silver skin, white hair, and his eyes. His eyes were black with a gold iris.

I walk up and get a closer look. His eyes are black because they're cameras. Its fascinating.

"Lillian, meet A1." Dr. Brooke introduces me.

"Hello A1." I hold out my hand trying to be polite. "It's nice to meet you."

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