Prologue: Lesbians and Eye Contact for the Anxious

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(Y/N) - Your Name

(f/c) - Favorite Color
( This is an x reader. You should know the terms. If not, look it up. <3 :) )

Contrary to popular belief, starting your morning with three cups of coffee won't magically improve your mood at seven AM, if anything it will just make you a slightly more energetic tired asshole. Regardless, you stayed leaned against the counter with a paper cup filled to the top with black coffee, not bothering to pay attention to your other co-workers. Your manager had already approached you, in fact she was the one who handed you the second cup of coffee, mumbling about a pay raise and giving you a strained smile. Having to wake up at the crack ass of dawn just to get to work on time was really starting to wear you down, no matter how much you bitched though, it was what paid the bills at the end of that day.

"(Y/N)!" You jumped up and nearly spilled your hot coffee everywhere, startled by the shout. You turned with the most dead expression you could muster until you saw who had shouted, one of your closest work friends, Riley Montgomery. Morrisville, North Carolina wasn't the first place you thought of when asked to picture a classic opportunistic ball of sunshine, but here she was.

A smile couldn't help but to form on your lips, setting down your caffeinated drink to meet Riley halfway as she instantly brought you into a hug. Even though she just came from the snowy outside she still felt warm and smelled like cinnamon and vanilla. 'Must be a new perfume...' She was grinning ear to ear as she pulled away from the embrace. "Hey! You're earlier than usual! Did your roomie wake you up again?" You shook your head and walked back to the half empty coffee pot and poured her a cup.

"No, Bailey sleeps like the dead, especially on weekends." Riley laughed and took the hot cup from your outstretched hand, blowing cool air over the top. "How'd she feel about the big midterm?"

Bailey was your eccentric college dorm roommate who was in her senior year of university, she was majoring in engineering and had recently begun studying for her midterm test. Riley had only been over to your shared apartment a handful of times but each time Bailey had gushed about how pretty and nice she was, ever the raging lesbian. You laughed and reached over to grab your green Starbucks apron off the hook, "Oh she was complaining the whole day when she got the announcement, been studying like a crazy person."

Riley smiled warmly and began putting on her own apron, her long blonde hair already tied up in a loose ponytail. You could see how your roomie could fall for a girl like Riley, she was exceptionally pretty, tall, and of course the gentle curves of her hips and chest. Her fair skin was spotted with freckles, which made her bright green eyes stand out. "You know I actually was out shopping yesterday for new pens and I found this super cute notebook I think she would love. It might help her be more organized?" She seemed nervous as she spoke, her cheeks pink with the question. You placed a hand on her shoulder, "You're totally in love with her." Riley's eyes blew wide as her face went red, you let out a loud laugh and bent over to catch your breath as your stuttering co-worker flailed for a response. "You're so mean to me!!!" As you stood back up and wiped a tear away from your cheek she shoved you gently with one hand, pouting as she took a long sip from her coffee.

Before you could give her a witty response the front door chimed, letting you know a customer had entered. You quickly turned back around, not before sending a wink to a sulking Riley. "Good morning! Welcome to Starbucks!" Your usually fake cheery good morning voice was filled in with a slightly more genuine one, still in a good mood from the teasing. The man came up to the counter and tapped his fingers against the marble, his eyes scanning the menu above your head and then zeroing in on your name tag.

The name tags were a new policy from the top branch, to help the customers feel more comfortable, but as the man in front of you said your name with a smile you wanted to tear off the name tag and toss it in the blender. You hated the lack of privacy you got from the dumb thing. "Good morning, (Y/N) --" 'God, what a way to start the morning...' " --- Could I get a large hot coffee, creamer, no sugar?" You sighed inwardly as the rest your good mood faded away, of course he would have no idea how the sizes work. "I'm sorry sir, we don't have a large size." Your polite customer service smile twitched as he raised an eyebrow and sneered at you. "God, you make this way too complicated. Fine, I'll have a venti hot coffee with only creamer. Got that, (Y/N)?"

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