Chapter 7: The Food Is Getting Cold

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A/N: Sup ya'll I'm back with a slightly shitty chapter. Translations at the bottom. Comments are always appreciated. Thank you for the love and support. Enjoy! - Jenny (P.s. remember to check my quotev for any extra information)

Bright blue hair was a startling scene in the winter wonderland below. Though much less alarming then the crimson sinking into the snow beneath her knees. Bailey Martin was covered in blood, and it was unclear where or who it came from.

Banging coming from behind you made you snap out of your observation. The hooded man was still trapped in your apartment, but now he was trying to punch through the glass, which was terrifying in itself.

It was either jump to the ground below or stay put and see if he could really shatter the glass with just his gloved fists. You decided to take your chances with the ice then with certain death.

You throw your legs over the side of the railing, getting ready to leap off when you hear another startled yell.

"Wait! (Y/N)!! Don't!" Bailey's voice sounded weak and hoarse, her eyes petrified.

Before you could question why she was so alarmed the glass shattered behind you and you lost your grip on the icy metal, falling down into the winter below.

"T-TIMBERRR!!" You realized as you fell just why Bailey was so panicked, you definitely recognized that stutter and harsh inflection .

'Shit...the other one is here too'

As you got closer to the ground below you realized there was someone waiting there too. This time a dirty white mask staring up at you, arms open and waiting to receive you.

"FUCK FUCK FUUUU— omfh!" Your terrified cursing was cut off by a harsh impact with the stalker, his arms catching you in an almost perfect bridal carry, besides the fact you were wheezing and flopping around like a dying fish.

"I got her." He was wearing a voice changer too, though this one sounded more robotic, no hint of humor or messing around, strictly business. And although you put up quite the fight, he just turned his face down at you, black pits making you freeze, the feminine mask was suddenly much more intimidating.

"WOO! W-wayy ta-to go! Zwei runter!" The younger one of the group was giggling hysterically, pointing in your direction, his other hand holding up a two. He was babbling in a foreign language, big orange goggles splattered with what you were sure was blood.

You glanced to Bailey, who still looked to be in shock, eyes rimmed red and being held down by the bouncy murderer. You winced everytime Goggles (seemed like a simple enough nickname

for the psychopath) prodded her in the side, asking her a stuttery question in another language.

The hands that were looped under your legs tightened their hold, making you drag your eyes back to the man holding you, who was now staring up at the giant man who was brushing glass off his jacket.

"We'll meet you back in the car." His robotic voice made you shiver as he stomped away from the scene, gesturing to his giggly partner to follow.

You heard a hoarse protest come from Bailey as she was hauled up off the ground by her hair, Goggles 'playfully' kicking at her feet so she would be forced to trip as she walked.

You turned your head up to the balcony from where you had jumped, the man had already disappeared, the only indication he had even been there at all was the shattered window and a bright yellow sticky note that you were sure had a smiley face written on it.

It was barely a walk to the car, parked at the entrance of the alleyway, doors already wide open.

It was a chunky silver minivan with automatic doors and large windows that seemed to be covered in miscellaneous stickers and dark tint. The side that you could see was scratched and dented, like someone had scraped it against a building or it had been featured in Jurassic Park. Whatever the circumstance, it was still sort of shocking to see that this posse of insane clowns drove a mom car.

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