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"Coffee is the best thing to have ever happened to humanity," Mashal sighed dreamily as she sipped her second cup that morning. The first one was right after her fajr prayer. It rained today as well. Making her feel all energetic and enthusiastic, unlike yesterday.

Yesterday was chaotic. Enough said.

With her stupid two minutes interview to her sister's persistence of visiting The Berries to that close to death accident. She prayed extra two rakats today, thanking her almighty for keeping her safe in all that chaos and for sending that particular someone to save her life.

It was a bright and optimistic day this morning. A soft smile played on her lips as she gazed into the sky, observing the pitter-patter of the water droplets through her bedroom windows. It was a different kind of soothing to hear the continuous raining sound, she felt warm and fuzzy but her eyes froze as her almost six feet neighbour made an entrance to his balcony, with his fluffy-greyish cat in his arms.

It was such a mouthwatering sight actually. To see a man like him hold a cat so tenderly like that. No one would have guessed that he'd have such a soft side to him when they first meet him. But she may or may not have observed how close he was with that cat. Mashal regrets nothing more than that. She questioned her choice of creepily watching him for a whole damn week. But gosh, that sight! It did something to her stomach. It was one of the many reasons why she found him so damn attractive.

The sadness in his eyes from the other night was still there. She held the grills of her windows whilst sipping her cold coffee and enjoyed nature, trying to distract herself from the rude neighbour. He may have saved her life. He may have even apologized for calling her boring.

But he was still the same person who has slammed the door on her face for no particular reason. She still doesn't like him all that much. Albeit she finds him undeniably attractive and handsome but he was still a jerk.

Yes, she's petty. And yes, she's a grudge holder.

"Aapi, look what I found." Meher's loud shriek made her jump slightly making the coffee spill on her nightdress, she hissed at that and passed her sister an annoyed look. While her sister walked inside her bedroom without caring much.

"What do you want? It's too early for your drama." Meher ignored her annoyance and smiled chirpily whilst shoving the tablet on her hands with a wide grin on her face.

"Look at this," she glanced at the screen and raised her brows, "I have already watched this series. What's the big deal?"

"Our neighbour, doesn't he looks like this main lead guy? I mean almost kinda?" Meher laughed at her great discovery. She felt so proud of it too. What a drama queen!

"But, wait. Actually. Our neighbour does look like a Can Yaman look-alike. This is..." Mashal was out of words. That tall figure and bulky body. Everything screamed Can Yaman. The only difference was that Can has long hair while her neighbour doesn't. It makes him kinda hotter. Ugh! Why the hell was she fangirling him again?

"Can Yaman's lite version," Meher laughed at her own joke. Mashal can no longer find this funny or amusing.

She felt her heart skip a beat thinking about him. A frown appeared on her face at that realization. How could that even be possible? Why was she feeling all this towards him? They haven't even talked that much and when they did, it was mostly not a good experience but why the heck was she still finding him so attractive and handsome?

It was hard to deny the crush anymore and it began to terrify her. She didn't know how to feel about this. Wasn't she supposed to be a good Muslim and marry the guy of her parents choice?

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