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Mira's P.O.V

"Kagura?! What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Yukino?!"

Kagura runs up to me. "It's a story that I don't have time for to explain. We need to find Yukino and the others. It won't be long before he's able to get free." She says, nodding towards Laxus.

I turn towards him and see him glaring daggers at Kagura. "Wait, the othe-"

Yukino's P.O.V

Kagura's right. They're both alright, I can feel it. I need to find them both, I don't know how long Mira and Kagura can hold the guys off.

I take out my lacrima that Fairy Tails master gave us and look for Lucy and Levy's mark.

"Gotcha." I run, following the map. For some reason I'm not able to contact them. So I'm gonna have to do this the hard way.

I run a bit more before I stop. I hide behind a tree.

I'm sure I heard someone talking, it sounded like one of the guys. I crouch down and stick my head out a bit to see if anyone's out there.

I see someone emerge. "Geez, I can't believe she did that! Ooh she's gonna pay when I find her."

He stops. "Now which way."

He starts sniffing around.

"They're nearby."


"Huh?" Natsu turns his attention towards the voice and growls.

"Grr, Gajeel. Tch, what are you doing here?" He says, folding his arms.

Gajeel jumps down from a branch. "The same as you. Looking for my stubborn mate."

"Hmph. So what's this I hear about them being 'nearby'? And what happened to your head? Levy didn't do that to you, did she?" Natsu points to the bump on Gajeels head.

Gajeel makes an irritated look. "Tch, no. It was that stupid blonde bimbo! She knocked me out with a rock!"

Natsu bursts out laughing. "That's my Luce for ya."

"Hey! It's not funny!"

"You're right. It's not funny.. it's HILARIOUS!" Natsu continues cackling.

"Gr enough. My nose led me here and from the smell of it they're close by."                                  
I take out my lacrima. Gajeel's right they are nearby, real close too. Wait what? They stopped showing up on the lacrima.

Natsu sniffs. "Ha, you're right!" He sniffs once more. "But their scent is all over, must have done it to confuse us."

"You're right but it also means that they're still here. The scent's fresh."

Natsu walks around. "Guess we'll have to check the area. They won't risk running and I know Luce won't call on any of her spirits, both will end up making to much noise."

"Hmph, who would of thought that this whole mating thing would give you a brain."

Natsu turns around and bashes his head against Gajeels. "Oh shut up you punk wanna be!"

Gajeel pushes back. "What'd you call me?!"

"You heard me!" I sweat drop. Are they really arguing right now?

"You wanna go Salamander?!" I sigh. I don't got time for this, I need to find the girls. I take my lacrima out to see if maybe now I can contact them. It's still not working? And I've also lost their location. Hmm maybe they're in cave and it could be the reason why I can't find them anymore.

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