I'll keep you here

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She shrugged, "I'm not rambling, I'm just stating possible areas to analyze in order to come up with a proper question for your answer."

Of course she was rambling. She didn't know the answer to that question and was afraid that if she said she didn't know how she came to his territory, she would become more of a liability. It was better to pretend to at least have some information.

He looked at her with disinterest. "Rambling," he was unamused, "You will come with me and you will tell me everything I need to know." He turned to leave.

"Can I be honest," she suddenly decided to come clean. She didn't want to complicate the situation further, "Just let me go. I promise I'll not step into any forest from here on. Plus, I don't know any-"

He turned abruptly, and before she could blink, the small distance between them had been reduced to zero. He pressed her against the tree with his arm along her collar, with a third of his mass weighing heavily on her.

Five sharpened claws pressed onto her skin. Four claws sat on her cheeks and jaw while the thumb was at the intersection between her jaw and soft neck.

Denise- *blink*

Denise stood extremely still, afraid of startling the beast into murdering her.

He smiled, "you're nervous! Extremely afraid. Tell me, do you believe your life is worth much?" He could  hear her small heart racing.

Denise- Amitābha, please help me! I love my life very much.

She gulped.

He leaned in with that same nasty smile and whispered, "You should know by now,"

Denise cringed her neck trying as much as possible to cover her poor ear and keep a nice distance from him. She hated the feeling of hot breath entering her ear.

"No matter how or where you run, I'll always find you. You know what will happen," he said simply, pressing his claws painfully onto her skin making sure not to break it, "You should pray I don't chase you down. You already have an idea what I can do to you."

It was easy for Denise to tell that the wolf was very reluctant to keep her alive with the way he kept on aiming for her neck. It was best for her to keep rest restrained. But at that point, Denise couldn't take it anymore.

She gathered her strength and pushed him away, a look of disgust was planted on her face, "If you want to say something, just say it. Why do you have to come so close? Look around, there's only two of us around so there's no need to whisper." She complained as she rubbed her ear against her blouse, trying to get rid of the irritating feeling of his breath.

Mr. Wolf frowned, clearly unhappy because his warning hadn't been taken seriously. The victim was only minding her body.

She pulled out a handkerchief and tissues from her pocket. Taking the tissues, she wiped her ear thoroughly and then wiped the bit of her thigh where she felt his member had freely dangled over.

She added annoyed, "And for crying out loud, cover yourself up. No one wants your helicopters on free range."

"Is there water nearby?" She felt a deep urge to wash her ear and thighs.

He didn't understand what she meant by helicopters. But he gathered that it had to be one of the foreign tendencies of where she came. Also adding the fact that he hadn't been out of the forest for a while, he wasn't sure how things might have developed. New things and words might have been made that he didn't know about.

He watched her wipe herself like she had just been touched by faecal  matter.

He sneered, and muttered, "typical!" he added, "Follow me," then he morphed into a gray wolf. He gave her one last sharp look before setting off in a particular direction.

My Black Arse in a Beast WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz