End Credits/ Backstory

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So, not part of the story, but rather just my final thought.

I hope you all enjoyed my story!

So, back to what I was saying, yes, I would like to thank my friends for helping me out with the little stuff, yes the small stuff matters.

I do thank a certain Monarch for helping me out with the story description, and feedback because it does help a lot!

I would also like to thank a specific Cookie, definitely helped me on the character names plus the title.

And of course, special thanks to my personal friends who actually read this, I'm hoping you did like this story.

And to the rest of my followers/readers, thank you all as well for taking the time to read, vote and comment of course!

I shall be back with more stories eventually, in hopes that the next dream and idea will be  the greatest ever to tell.

So, good bye for now, I shall return soon, much love everyone!

-✨Night Slumber

So onto the background from this story, yes, it came from a dream I remember vividly. The characters "Nic" and "Elle" were the only legit, named characters in the said dream. The events that I explained in the story is what actually happened in the dream. From Leo dropping in through the portal, to the black strings dragging the Wraith back to its home dimension. The only parts that never happened, was the chemistry between Elle and Nic. They may have liked each other, but they never admitted their love to one another nor kiss each other. Giving the necklace to her never happened, along with her giving Nic the Lumiquoine.

In the alternate ending, Nic never went to his house, rather, back to his mother's house since he had no one to go to back at his home. Kinsley tells Nic to wait inside his home, while he would speak to his mother about the events. After Kinsley explains, the mother comes inside to hug Nic, trying to calm him down from the forceful departure.

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