Chapter 9: Romania

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"Potter!" he heard a most-familiar voice call from behind him. He rolled his eyes and turned to the Professor. He raised a tired eyebrow at the man.

"If we could speak outside?" he said through clenched teeth. He was seething as he glared at those who stopped duelling to look at the two. He rolled his eyes as Snape walked out of the classroom, not even waiting for a response. For a Slytherin, he wasn't patient at all. If he didn't know any better, that was the most Gryffindor thing he would ever see Severus Tobias Snape do.

He found himself in the corridor outside of the classroom waiting for his professor to speak. There was no way he was starting this conversation. He was tapping his dress shoe on the floor as he clipped and unclipped the wand-holster on his arm as Snape just glared at him.

"Is there a reason you cal-"

"You idiotic insufferable Gryffindor child!"

Harry chuckled. The man was so angry he was using kiddie words and his signature 'insufferable'. He looked around and saw that the only reason he didn't talk was that there were students.

"What did you do to him?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Relax Professor, it was just a stunner," he chuckled a clear lie.

"You- you-"

"Insufferable child? Obnoxious git? Potter-spawn?" he finished with a fake serious face. There was a barely hidden smile in the corner of his mouth.

Snape glared at the boy more than ever before. If it were any other student they would be six feet under from the Death Glare.

"Don't think I don't know what you just used," he sneered through clenched teeth, "How did you even-" Harry raised an eyebrow as he interrupted him.

"Then why in Merlin's name did you ask me?" he said with a shrug. It may have been a slightly... darker spell but it wasn't like it would kill him. It wasn't that strong of a spell compared to some of the others he used. You wouldn't want to know the details of some of those.

Snape deepened his glare if it was even possible. It was and it almost made Harry laugh even harder. Especially with the hair. It made him look way less scary.

Out of pure spite for the spawn of his worst enemy, he reached for his wand, hidden up his sleeve. Before he could even pull it from his sleeve, however, his wand was in Harry's hand dangling there lazily.

"Oh Professor Dumbledore!" he said happily skipping towards the staircase. Snape tried to restrain himself from running toward him and ripping the boy's head off. He was a Slytherin and he had to remember that. Nevertheless, he gave up and ran after him. He was only Human.

He was interested to find that the moment he set off, he was yanked back by his robes and lost his balance. Potter. Luckily, he regained his posture and balance before he could fall.

"Where are you going, Professor?" he asked innocently. He spotted his wand next to him but by the time he got a hold of it, he turned to see the boy gone.


He walked through the large gates of the stone castle dressed in an emerald-green robe set he found in the cupboard. It was the only one that remotely fitted him and the only formal robes he had his hands on. He would transfigure one but, truth be told, he didn't think of that. Noir strode in confidently, nodding at some of the guards. The walls were high and made of stone as the ceiling, unlike Hogwarts, was decorated in red swirls and patterns made of a material he couldn't quite place his finger on.

For this special occasion, Harry's wand holster was visibly strapped onto his leg. It not only looked more intimidating but was surprisingly practical. With this and the combat robes, he looked as if he was about to kill someone. It might even be right if Dumbledore's eyes twinkled any more.

He had Albert by his side at all times and they made their way to the study, where they would meet for the first time. He had arrived in the country only an hour ago and was picked up from the International Flooport by Dean and an entire security detail, leading to some confused stares from everyone there. Their uniform was of the Royal Guard and it was rare to see even one soldier in your life, let alone an entire guard. It was made up of about 20 or so soldiers, all Vampires, of course, each dressed in red, black and white. They were too close to the Royal Grounds to apparate so they walked through the adjacent town. It was almost medieval by the looks of it. Though he knew it was all for show since he swore he could see a Firebolt leaning against one of the resident's homes. It was alive with hustling and bustling. It was like an old Diagon Alley. Perhaps this is what it used to be like.

"We're here."

Albert's voice brought him out of his, maybe murderous, thoughts. He simply nodded with an air of confidence and one of the guards which Albert had just spoken to, in Romanian so he couldn't understand, opened the grand doors of wood revealing an office. It too had high walls as well as a spiralling staircase along the black walls leading to the distance too far to see, for a human anyway. Vampires had much better eyesight and hearing. Along the walls were paintings of more Vampire Lords including some that Harry had read about, including Vlad the Bad (idk). Right dunderhead, he was. Had the muggles almost finding them out. The Ministry was right busy for years after that stunt.

His eyes went to a door he hadn't even realized was there opening to reveal a tall pale figure with shiny pearly-white fangs and a goblet of...something red. He didn't want to think about it yet. He already had a small, less-than-legal supplier of that kind of drink for his inevitable deal with Francois and had gotten it for a cheap price for warding and protection of the 'factory'. Good blood, trusting Albert as his taster, and good price, compared to other prices. Yes, he did research as an undercover Vampire. He might have gotten caught a few times but Confundus charms worked like a...well...charm.

"Ah...Lord...Evans? Is it?"

Harry nodded confidently as the man went to sit at his desk with a blood-curdling grin, showing off his sharp fangs. Harry didn't let that phase him. He was here for business and nothing else.

"Please, have a seat."

He gestured to the seat in front of him. It only then did he realize how alike their offices were. From the seat to the wall colour, they were almost identical apart from height and the portraits. Though he would kill for a portrait of the very first Vampire Lord; unsurprisingly called Lord Vampire.

Harry took the seats and rested his ankle on top of his other knee. He may have sprained his ankle carrying a few Werewolves but how was he supposed to tell Madam Pomfrey that? He could just lie but he swore the woman had a lie detector in the pocket of her uniform.

"Ah..." he said smacking his lips after taking a sip of the blood-red liquid.

"So..." he began looking Harry in the eyes, no doubt trying to use Legilimency. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. Of course, he didn't show it much. He was a Vampire Lord, after all.

"Legilimens, are you?" he chuckled. He raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"The simplest way to get information without having to talk to people." They spoke as if they knew each other for years.

Harry nodded, "That, it is."

"Shall we get to business, then?" he asked putting his elbows on the study table. He, or rather Noir Evans, was not a man to dilly-dally. He was a man who got down to business, made the deal and got out. He was sick of the politics of the Light and having to act polite. It was sickening if you spoke to the right people; *cough* Dumbledore *cough*.

The meeting went smoother than he thought. As long as he gave sanctuary to the Vampires in England, where he found out Francois actually lived, he would be backed by money, control over the Vampire-owned businesses and, of course, business at Demeter des Ombres.

"Before we sign, I just need to make sure that you do know of my deal with old Greyback," he asked. It would be disastrous if he didn't know.

The Vampire chuckled, "Of course I do. Dark must stick with Dark or the world will turn light, my father said. He was not as witty as he thought."

They chuckled and Harry inserted a generous amount of his magic into the piece of paper, written in blood as per Francois' request. Francois did the same and the contract glowed white before duplicating and disappearing.

They shook hands and Harry, who had been undoing the wards in the back of his head, winked before disappearing.

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