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Kaia turned up to work the next day bright and early. She wasn't supposed to be working after taking the next few days off with the intention of being in London with Calvin, but clearly, her plans had changed.

She felt refreshed as she left the house and caught the train from Small Heath into Birmingham city centre, her mind cleared and her conscience clean. Part of her did feel bad about ending things with Calvin in the way she did, but she knew that had she continued their relationship, it would've been worse for the both of them.

She spent the day assisting the backstage team at the theatre. Her mind wandered as she worked, daydreaming about her future. The more she thought about it, the more she realised she didn't actually know what was going to happen with Tommy and herself. They'd said goodbye when Calvin had arrived, but she had no idea when she'd see Tommy again and with his work schedule making him difficult to place, she felt slightly in the dark.

Kaia was right about Aberama and Bonnie not returning home. There was no sign of them on their way into the village when Kaia left for work that morning meaning it had now been over twenty four hours since she'd seen her father and brother. Part of her was worried, admittedly, but she had faith that they'd always return home safely no matter where they'd been and what they'd been doing. They had to, for her sake.

Around four in the afternoon, Kaia's manager told her she could finish early for the day. She accepted the favour and began to make her way home. No snow had fallen overnight but the air was still bitterly cold and harsh against her skin, especially when the wind blew.

People looked far more miserable now Christmas had passed. It was still the festive season according to the date, but there was no spirit in the air, at least not that Kaia could feel. The New Year was creeping up on everyone and she hoped that a fresh start could lift the city's mood.

Kaia stepped off the train in Small Heath, darkness had now settled over the town and the moon hung low in the sky casting huge shadows across the rows of terraced houses and factory chimneys.

Machinery was still whirring as Kaia made her way through the streets, snow crunching beneath her feet. Her body was tired but her mind wasn't, unable to let herself uncurl her fingers that were wrapped tightly around the feeling of excitement when she thought about Tommy.

"I thought you'd be at home today, I've been waiting on your doorstep since midday."

She looked up from the snow on the ground when she heard Thomas' voice from in front of her. He was stood in the glow of the street lamps with his hands stuffed into his pockets, a beaming smile on his face that made his eyes sparkle in a way she hadn't seen before, a way that made her heart flutter from inside her chest and her lips curl upwards without her even thinking about it.

"I'd given up," he said, walking towards her, "Was on my way to The Garrison for a drink. Care to join me?"

Kaia grinned, feeling her cheeks blush as he held out his arm, "I'd love to."

Arm in arm, they headed to The Garrison. For whatever reason, Kaia felt nervous. She rarely ever felt nervous and she couldn't remember a time that she'd ever felt like that around a man, especially not Tommy. Her stomach was rising and falling quickly and her breathing was getting faster. She took deep breaths as they walked together, seeing it disappear in front of her eyes as it met the cold air.

Tommy pushed open the door to the pub and stood back, letting Kaia walk inside first. She'd never really noticed the attention that he got before, but as they walked over to the bar together, she began to feel overwhelmed at the amount of eyes she could feel staring at her, conversations coming to a halt as people wondered who the girl with Thomas Shelby was.

Kaia stood beside Tommy at the bar and he noticed her withdrawing into herself. He didn't want her to feel like that, that wasn't the Kaia he knew.

"Alright everyone!" He sighed and turned around to face everybody in the pub, arms in the air as he spoke, "You can stop fucking staring now, I know just how beautiful she is but you can all keep your eyes on your ale, gentlemen, alright? Thank you."

Kaia's anxiety melted away as she listened to him speak, breaking into a tiny smile as he looked down at her, giving her a small nod before ordering two glasses of whiskey.

Every single thing about him, Kaia found attractive. He was caring and considerate to her feelings without her having to ask, noticing how she was feeling within seconds and acting upon it without giving it a second thought. He might seem cold and unwelcoming to everybody else, but to Kaia, he was warmer than Icarus had ever been.

They took a seat in the small room next to the bar, Tommy swiping the bottle of whiskey from the bartender on his way past. Kaia looked out of the window into the darkness, watching snowflakes fall carefully from the sky, covering over their footsteps outside.

"Was it difficult?" Tommy asked, looking at her from across the table.

Kaia shook her head, "No. He already knew."

Tommy scoffed, smiling to himself, "I wasn't aware that I wore my heart so obviously on my sleeve."

"Well I didn't pick up on it, really." She said quietly, her lips behind the glass in her hand.

He just stared at her and she knew he was trying to work out what was going on inside her head. Although on the outside, Thomas Shelby had the ego of a God, he was still worried that he'd pulled Kaia away from something she didn't want to let go of, despite what she'd said and done. He'd never been so invested in a woman before and truthfully, he didn't know how to handle having his heart placed in somebody else's hands. Lacking control did nothing short of terrifying him.

"I don't regret it, Thomas."

"How did you know what I was thinking?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

Kaia smiled, "Because I know that when you fall silent like that you're trying to figure something out, come to a conclusion, talk yourself out of a feeling or an idea."

He smirked, knowing she was right. As much as it felt wrong to be losing so much of the power he had over himself, when he looked at Kaia, he knew it was safe with her. The way her eyes gazed up at him told him that she absolutely adored him, without question. Kaia was falling fast for him and she had been for longer than she realised, and Thomas had stumbled a few times in the past but now, as he sat opposite her, watching her tiny hand hold the delicate crystal glass and her eyelashes fluttering every time she glanced at him, he knew he'd fallen head over heels.

"I don't know if I like the fact you know me so well or hate it."

"As long as nobody else gets to know you the way I do, I think you'll be able to live with it."

Tommy tilted his head slightly and licked his lips, knowing what Kaia was saying behind her carefully chosen words.

"Nobody else ever will, they couldn't even get close."

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