Isolation... Again?

362 9 4

~ Keith pov ~


Crimson red

that's all I was seeing when I looked down, in the mirror, the floor even.

I couldn't feel anything, nothing, nothing but the numbing pain on my wrists...

There was a warm feeling running from my nose as well, it wasn't numb like everything else.

I looked up at the mirror again to see the redness freefall from my nose. How did it happen? I'm not quite sure myself.

Last thing I could remember were lines, the red lines of liquid on my wrists before my face made contact with the edge of the sink.

A loud thud was heard.

A loud thud nobody in particular heard.


My head was throbbing as my blurry eyes struggled to open. I quickly realized where I was.

the bathroom floor, for who knows how long.

I even struggled to get myself up, the cuts on my wrists had dried and almost scabbed over.

'must have been out for awhile then..' I thought to nobody in particular.

I slowly made my way to out of the bathroom to the door, unlocking it, I saw not one person around. Figuring they had all fallen asleep, I went back into the bathroom.

Not after locking my door again of course.

The throbbing only got more intense as I remembered what happened before I passed out. Toughing my head, it had the same feeling as my wrists.

'No wonder my head is basically killing me.' I might have said that out loud, but who was there to hear me?

then it hit me.

Nobody realized.

My fall must have been loud, did they not hear?

Did anyone come to see me when I was out? Did they ignore me?

was I not important enough for them to notice my 'need' of assistance for the past, what, one varga?

it's not like I even wanted anyone to come to my aid. Right..? yeah, I'm fine by myself.

Then I looked around the bathroom, red everywhere. 'Guess I have some cleaning to do'


It took roughly around 6 vargas to fully hide any traces of my recent events and clean my wounds.

It took longer than expected since, as I held off tending to my wounds, I had agonizing pain burn at my wrists and head.

The scrubbing, getting up, wetting the rag I found, getting back down to scrub the floor again, and again. It was not something I wanted to do after almost dying?

Why was I questioning myself?

I'm not sure anymore, but i would have to note down to manage my blood loss so i wouldn't have to deal with the agonizing mess again. I hated it.

After the endless scrubbing and cleaning my own wounds, I searched my bathroom cabinets for my supplies. I barely had enough to cover up.

Only bandages remained.

I had to get more.

But what if someone saw me? It's not like I haven't been able to hide myself for the past while. i can manage myself.

Slowly mustering up the courage, I unlocked my door and quickly, but quietly, made myself to the med room.

I honestly haven't been here often enough to memorize the location of the supplies I needed. I eventually found what I needed, grabbed just enough for a while and made my way back.

Muttering voices was all I could hear before I was even near my own room again.

I quickly shuffled into the strange room besides myself to get away from whoever was also up at this time.

'Why didn't I want to be caught?' A nudge to one of my wrists from the corner caused me to wince in pain, I looked down.

'I'm not wearing my jacket, all of it is exposed..'

A shudder went up my spine, that's why I had to hide, beside the fact I was carrying around random medical supplies. if I was found, by anyone, it was over for me.

They would question me.

They would fine out.


They would kick me out.

I didn't want that, the footsteps of what sounded like two people passed by, it felt like 30 doboshes went by before I could quickly escape my hiding place and finally reach the doors to my room.

The door was slightly cracked open. I never leave my room without closing the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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