05|| Arrival (editing in process)

316 15 5

Jaw dropping.

That's my first impression of the school.

And I'm telling you literally and figuratively.

I think this is the first time I've seen a school this magnificent.

It has that old palace feel to it but also have certain modern aspects that makes it a thousand times better. The main entrance of the school is like entering to another world.

Are you kidding me- there's even a statue and a water fountain at the front lobby.

The place is filled with flowers.

And i mean a LOT of them

The place smells of fresh flowers and it's the most extraordinary rich people thing I've ever experienced.

I'm still contemplating whether this is real or not. I feel like a camera man is going to jump out with a few other people holding a card saying, you just got pranked!

That would be the meanest thing to do.

I stood there inside of the lobby, with a thirty pound suitcase in one hand and a duffle bag in the other.

Aight where do i go?

I saw a cleaning lady mopping the floors and went up to ask her for directions.

"Um- excuse me, do you know where the the administration office is?". I ask her in hopes that she understood me. Her eyes look at me in confusion and she speaks,"¿qué?".

"The Administration Office", i repeat.

But the lady gave me the same confused look.

My eyes narrowing down to her name tag.


Isn't that a spanish name?

I clear my throat, feeling myself sweat.

I hope i still got it..

"Uh.. ¿dónde m-me.. registro?".

I used to watch telenovelas with my grandmother. And spanish used to be somewhat like a third language, but that was years ago.

Her eyes lights up and she nods,"¡Ah, sí!". She points to my left,"Camine recto, gire a la izquierda y luego a la derecha hasta que vea un edificio blanco".

Wait what.

"Um excuse me but could you repeat that-", i turn around but the lady wasn't there anymore.

And she's gone..


I sigh,"Well.. i can do this".

Seriously can't, I'm bad at directions.

"It'll be a piece of cake", i cross my arms.

It won't.

"I'm not that bad", i shrug.

I AM that bad.

"Let's do this!", i pull the suitcase with a half hearted enthusiastic grin on my face.


It was a left.

No it was a right.

She clearly said left.

What are you on about, she specifically told you to take a right.

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