Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm going off the next morning. 

I start getting ready for school, putting on a hot pink tank top that will match my grey and pink Hollister v neck. Since I have no breasts, I can only wear v necks with a tank top under it or else I'd be showing off my bra.

After I'm done getting ready, I go downstairs for breakfast. I open up the cabinet above the counter and grab the box of cereal. Sitting down at the island, I sit next to my little brother Ethan and ruffle his hair.

"Morning butt munch."

"Morning. Hey don't mess up the hair" He swatted my hand away.

We talk about things for a little bit while we're eating. We have a decent relationship for siblings, so we can actually have a conversation without fighting, but he is only 11 so who knows what's gonna happen when he's a teenager.

The doorbell rings. Wondering who would be here at 7:30am, I get off the barstool and head towards the door. I open the door thinking maybe it's Megan offering me a ride to school, but I would've gotten a text from her. When I fully open the door I realize our early morning visitor is actually Josh.

"Good morning neighbor" He said with a big smile on his handsome face.

"Morning Josh" I said grinning.

Josh then steps forward giving me a big hug and I notice I'm getting those electric shocks all through my body.

Well looks like I don't just have butterflies when it comes to this guy.

After letting go of him I take in his appearance, He looks good, like most guys my age he's wearing grey plaid shorts, matching v neck t shirt and grey and white Nike sneakers.

"I figured I could give you a ride to school" He said grinning.

I hope he didn't notice I was checking him out.

"Ok, let me go get my stuff and I'll meet you in the car."

"Ok" He said walking outside to his car.

I head into the kitchen to grab my backpack hoping by the time I get back they'll be done talking. I kiss Ethan on top of his head wishing he has a good day at school and just as I pass through the doorway into the hall my mom stops me and she has a smirk on her face, I know exactly what that means.

"Mommm" I say frustrated and kind of embarrassed.

"What? He's a keeper, don't let that one go" She squeezed my shoulder.

"Ok I'm leaving now" I said embarrassed. I give her a kiss on the cheek and go to the door. I know it's weird for girls my age to have a good relationship with their mothers, but my mother is like my best friend, so I'm thankful for the relationship we have.

On our way to school I ask Josh about his life in Virginia Beach. He talked about all the crazy pranks him and his friends would pull, he also told me how him and Megan knew each other since kindergarten and started dating in the seventh grade.

"So are you going to get back together with her?" I asked even though I'm sure I didn't want to hear the answer because of my quickly developing crush on him.

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