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Grayson's POV

Waking up was odd considering I don't remember falling asleep. I don't remember where I fell asleep or when. I don't know who I was with or if I was alone.

Waking up cuddled into Alpha Lukas' chest however, was definitely not the last place I was and I definitely didn't come to this position on my own.

At first, I just heard a thumping sound. It was steady and firm and it was coming from below my head. I didn't think much of it but it was a nice sound and oddly comforting so I continued to sleep.

I was also oddly warm. Not the fever warm I've been feeling, but a nice warmness. The heat wasn't overtaking me but I wasn't cold or wishing for a blanket. Another reason to keep sleeping.

Not to mention I was still tired. Who knew throwing up continuously could wear someone out?

A hand rubbed up and down my back under my shirt softly, sometimes pausing on my lower back, lolling me to sleep.

To summarize, I was warm, sleepy, and comforted so what better reasons do I need to go back to sleep? Exactly none.

Until I realized a hand was rubbing my back.

I shot up. That was not a good idea though because my vision darkened around the edges and there was a slight ringing in my ears.

The hands grabbed my sides to steady me and they stayed there as I let my vision clear and hearing return.

The hands glided up and down my sides above my shirt. One hand got caught up on my shirt on the way up and sparks flew across my skin upon contact.

Lukas and his touchy little hands. Well, he doesn't actually have little hands. They are actually quite large. They weren't rough hands though, they were soft as if they were made of silk and his fingertips held thousands of sparking, waiting to go off as soon as they contacted my skin.

"What the fuck—" I started but was cut of my Lukas suddenly flipping me over onto my back as he towered over me, his fierce dark eyes staring into my light blue one's.

"We're going to have a civil conversation and you're going to sit nicely and cooperate. I am going to let you go and let you sit up but if you even make the slightest move to leave, we'll end up back in this position but add a little bit of restraints and as enticing that is, you don't want that. Do you pretty boy?"

My dick twitched at the nickname. What the actual fuck I am in no way attracted to this man and want nothing from him. I only like girls. It's just my stupid teenage hormones extra heightened because I'm a werewolf. And
I was a bit insulted by the nickname, I can't be "pretty" because boys aren't pretty. Pretty is what you call girls.

"Don't call me "pretty" I'm a boy if you haven't fucking noticed. I don't think you have because you keep trying to get with me. And restraints? What are you a serial killer?" Words flew past my lips without thought and the man hovering above my face smirked.

"Oh sweet boy, I have noticed that you're a boy. I've also noticed how a certain boy part has been reacting to my touch and even my words." He chuckled and my face burned, starting at my neck and ending at my ears. "As for the restraints, I'm sure you'll enjoy them in the future." He winked and got off of me, pulling me up.

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