Sorry I Kissed You

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Chloe never imagined kissing Chase Adams was the worst possible mistake she could have ever made, she finds out the hard way, and she promises never to love again. But like the saying goes never say never.

Chapter 1 – The Perfect Kiss

My chest wanted to explode from all the excitement that was escalating through my body, I couldn’t believe I was about to do this, but then that was the whole point, I was supposed to do all the things I normally was too scared to do.

I saw him coming out of his biology class with his friends, he looked just as handsome as I had first seen him, could I really do this I asked myself, my stomach churned and burned at my conflicting thoughts.

“Yes I could.” I told myself firmly, and so without thinking twice I run towards the boy I had been in love for the past six months, he didn’t even see me approaching, he was too busy discussing something with his friends.

“Chase.” I tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around, for a second I was lost in his green eyes, so pretty and intoxicating, looking into his eyes I felt like I was drinking sweet wine and I couldn’t stop.

“Yes.” He answered with a frown; I could tell he was trying to guess where he knew me from.

I answered his question with my lips, I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his, the minute I did electric sparks shot through my body, it was like the ground I was standing on was vibrating thus my whole body was shaking,

I stepped back away from him, I could see that he was clearly astounded by my act; before he could utter another world I spun around and fled like the coward that I was.

Chase POV

I watched the retreating figure of the red haired girl who had just kissed me with amusement and excitement, the minute our lips had locked I knew she was one of them, the kiss had said it all and now I wanted her, too bad because she seemed like such a nice girl.

“Tell me she’s one of them.” Brad whispered into my ear, I could sense the hunger in his voice; he also wanted a piece of this unknown girl.

“Yes she is.” I answered with a grin.

“So when do we eat.” Cody asked with in a bored voice, he didn’t find the girls we preyed on special, he liked his girls wild and loose.

“Soon……… Soon.” I answered, just as soon as I find out what her name was, we would feast.

                                                TO BE CONTINUED………

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2011 ⏰

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