The Boss Of The Library

642 28 3

(Riynsu POV)

I held the axe in my hand. Me and the Ayaheru charged at each other. The Ayaheru lifted its body to lash me with its front talons. With a loud cry, I pummel down the battleaxe on the bird-like creature's heels.


The claws on this bird are as hard as steel!

The blade of the axe clacked against the curved feet of the Ayaheru, and I stepped back while pulling off the battleaxe to evade its talons. Ayaheru's other talon came for the strike, so I ducked under and spun to the right. Using the momentum, I swung the axe, and the blade managed to cut just above the legs of the raptor. However, the Ayaheru bled just a little as the cut wasn't that deep.

I stepped backwards as the monster flapped its wings and lifted its self in the air. Ayaheru kept turning its head. My guess is that it was probably looking for me. Its eyes stopped right at me. The big bird then dived towards me; its beak was wide open for a snack. I could even see its slimy magenta tongue hanging out as it soared.

I jumped high to the side to dodge. Stopping in its tracks, the Ayaheru lifted its head and hovered on the spot. I turned my body to the side and bent my knees as I landed on a shelf of the round bookshelf. I then propelled myself and twisted my body front facing the ground. Gripping my axe tightly, I then slam the axe piercing Ayaheru's right wing. In pain, it resulted in the bird wacking me off its wing. The big ass bird sent me flying, hitting a shelf, and maybe gave me a bruise. As it flapped its wings, the right wings flapped slower than the left.

With lots of force, Ayaheru tried to get the axe out. It successfully did after the third try. The axe flung out the wing and bashed against a bookshelf making a couple of books fall out. Then, I rushed towards the axe as it fell to the ground. As I picked it up, chunks of the axe slipt off. It was no longer usable. My body told its self to turn, and I saw Ayaheru facing me. It was starting to come closer and closer.

I looked down to the remains of what once was an axe in my hand. All I was left with was a handle, and a little chunk of the blade that was still attached. How the hell was I supposed to fight Ayaheru now?


I then threw the parts that were there at the bird-like creature.


The destroyed axe spun in a forward rotation and hit the hawk right on the nose, knocking its head back from the force. Meanwhile, while it was distracted, my inventory screen had shown up. I still had those other weapons earlier. Thinking of the dagger, my arm disappeared into the projection. I then feel a leather handle. Pulling it out, the dagger revealed itself.

Looking back at Ayaheru, I see it had already come almost in front of me. Charging towards it, I drop and slide underneath, holding the dagger up. The tip of the dagger pierced down the centre of the avian's belly. Quickly, I slid out the back of it from underneath.

Ayaheru: *In pain* "Kakyaaah!!!"

Blood dripped down as Ayaheru cried out in pain. It turned its head at me; its beady eyes glowed a bright emerald. Ayaheru was in a rage. With a zoom, the bird beast launched itself towards me with its silver beak. Luckily, I managed to jump out the way just in time. Ayaheru's beak punched through the bookshelf. All the books fell down from the sheer force of its speed. The monster took its beak out shelf as it then took flight.

It flapped its sides, causing a gust to pick up in the room. The wind was pushing against me, so I put my arm over my eyes to see properly. I also had to try to stop the raging wind from knocking me over.

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