Chapter 22: Just keep going

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"I think he is way smarter than you."

The door finally swings open, the padlock falling to the floor, with Mr Jones retracting his finger, its tip changing back from a key shape to a fingernail. He steps into the cool shed space, taking in the scene, with there being obvious evidence of someone being here as the two cans of coke rest on the concrete bench.

"Are they here?...hey how did you open the lock?" The sound of another voice fast approaches, catching up with Mr Jones. 

"You said they would be here Mr Turner." The commander now turns to the man, Joe's dad, standing behind him. 

"Well this is where he goes sometimes." He answers with a sigh. He then looks at Mr Jones with a question. "And why is it again that you need my son?" 

"He has kidnapped someone in my care." Mr Jones replies, once again scanning the room. 

"That doesn't sound like something he would do, unless he sensed danger." Joe's dad takes a step closer to Mr Jones, looking at him head on. "What is it you're not telling me?" 

Mr Jones looks at the man and wonders what to do. Then he catches the glimpse of something in the man's iris'. Something which seemed familiar to him, but a little off at the same time. He then raises a hand, then a forefinger and pokes Joe's dad in the center of his forehead. 

"Ow! What was that for?" The man rubs the place where he had just been poked. 

"Just checking something." Mr Jones says, now again turning away. Whatever he thought may happen, didn't. He then sees a white rectangle on the floor. Mr Jones bends over to pick up what seemed to be a photograph. He takes in the image of a man and a woman. "Who are these people?" He questions, showing the image to Mr Turner. 

"They're my parents...Joe's grandparents." He replies, taking the photo from Mr Jones's hand. 

"And where are they now?" He again questions. 

"My mother has died and my father is at Green pastures."

"Green pastures?" The commander questions. 

"A nursing home. Why? Do you think he has gone there?" Mr Turner asks. 

"Possibly." Mr Jones looks again at the image being held in Mr Turner's hand. "I think he is way smarter than you, but I can't take any more chances.'' Mr Jones proceeds to take a small can from his back pocket and blows a shot of spray in the man's face as he grabs the photo.  The man's expression turning blank. The effect intending to erase the past hour of his life,  He then pushes his way past the man, leaving him statuesque….and hopefully clueless.


"Can we stop?" Vinnie asks as he holds a hand to his chest. They have been walking stealthily and in the shadows for nearly an hour, with nowhere to hide. 

"And go where Vinnie? We need to keep going, or we'll get caught!" Joe continues to creep around the cluster of trees at the local park. Eyes everywhere apart from on Vinnie who was on the cusp of collapse. It isn't until he hears a weighty thud, that he finally turns around to see Vinnie collapsed on the ground. 

"Shit, Vinnie!" He crashes on his knees next to Vinnie who looks weak and exhausted. 

"I need…" Vinnie mumbles.

"What do you need? Water? food?..." Joe begins

"I need…" 

"Air? Do you need mouth to mouth?" Joe again interrupts, beginning to panic as he carefully pulls Vinnie's head onto his lap.

"I need you to shut up and listen!" Vinnie blurts out breathlessly. Joe just opens his mouth then closes it again, wanting to retaliate, but the urgency of the situation stops him from doing so. "I need Will. I need my serum. You need to get him and then you need to run….without me." 

Joe looks at Vinnie in disbelief. "Firstly Vinnie I'm not leaving you like this and second….look you just need food, i'll get you food. You eat food, yeah? I've seen you eat nuggets in the school cafeteria!" 

"My shimmer eats food, but me as a true morph... Food can only do so much. My energy is critical now. Will should know what I need." Vinnie forces a weak smile.

"How can I leave you to get him Vinnie? You will be vulnerable." Joe can feel the sadness welling up inside. 

"It's the only way Joe for either of us to survive. The commander won't be home now, I'm sure of it. If he finds me, I'll be ok, but if he finds you..." Vinnie tails off.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Joe interrupts. "What grandpa said about my dad? My nana. She is like you! I have that in me. Surely that must count for something!" 

"The commander won't see it like that. Yes we are here to integrate, but not procreate. It weakens the gene pool." 

Joe looks at Vinnie in question. "Is that what you think as well?" 

Vinnie lifts up a hand, placing it lightly on Joe's check. "Of course I don't! I see you just as you are Joe. My savior. My hero! I knew you were special the moment I met you."

"Stop getting soft on me Vinnie. You're not dying! Not on my watch, you got it?" Joe lifts Vinnie into his arms and gets to standing. "And I'm not leaving you in the street." He adds as he slings Vinnie over his shoulder.

"Hey, hey! Joe….put me down!" Vinnie feels his head getting top heavy as he holds on to the Joe's sweater for dear life. 

"Just hold on!" Joe's shouts as he heads at a fast pace, back to where they had started.

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