Chapter 9. Come Back Fair And Square.

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Yuchen could not help but asked. "Zhan, don't be afraid, I will always stand by your side. I will find a way to recover the grievances you suffered from CEO Wang."

"There's no need, president Cao." Zhan shook his head. "I will take care of it myself, thank you. I'm leaving now."

As soon as Zhan got out of the ward, he spoke to Lulu.

"Lulu, take Fei and wait for me in the car. I will be there in a bit."

As he walked, he unfolded the A4 paper in his hand, which read gynecology clinic VIP1.


When he opened the door, the doctor said, "Mr., we are off work."

"I only need a minute, is that okay?" Zhan gave her the A4 paper. "Are you Doctor Loo? What's the matter with this diagnosis?"

Dr. Loo looked at the crumpled consultation sheet. "I prescribed it. It was Mr. Wang who came to consult how to treat men's menstrual pain. Based on what he said about his wife, I made the following suggestions. The first is to rest properly and pay attention to what he eats and drinks during his period."

"The second is to have intercourse more frequently because it helps with this problem. Or having a child - symptoms of dysmenorrhea disappear for some men after giving birth."

"This Mr. Wang is really kind to his wife. His wife was too shy and embarrassed to come, so he came for his wife. There are too few caring men like him."

The doctor highly praised Yibo.

"Hey, what is your relationship with this Mr. Wang? Are you his wife?"

Zhan didn't answer the doctor. He broke into a trot after saying thanks.

At this moment, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart, a bit sour and a little moved.


It was dark outside after eating hot pot with Lulu. Zhan brought the sleeping Fei into the children's room.

Lulu was watching drama in the living room, as if waiting for him.

"What happened to you over dinner tonight? You didn't have any interest at all. Are you sick?" Lulu sat on the sofa, holding a pillow.

Zhan sat over and took a sip of water. "I blamed Yibo unjustly."

"What is going on between you two?" Lulu's eyes were full of worry.

Zhan hesitated and told Lulu about his menstrual pain. ".... so he went to see the doctor for me, but I misunderstood him and called him a rascal."

She handed Lulu the crumpled A4 paper.

Lulu took it with suspicion, then her eyes widened, and she laughed again. "Oh my God! He is Yibo, famous across the nation. He actually went to ask the doctor for you about something as trivial as menstrual pain? This is definitely big news, it's worth a lot of money."

Lulu thought at the scene at the time, and she trembled. It was too beautiful to imagine.

"I feel like he is not as cold as the rumours say during this period of time I was in contact with him." Zhan though he looked cold and it was hard to get close to him, he could feel the softness in his heart.

"So?" Lulu waited for his next words.

"Today I can tell that Fei also likes him very much. Being related by blood isn't something you can ignore, which was why they were especially close to each other." Zhan saw the stars in Fei' eyes when she smiled at Yibo. "It's almost time for parent-child activities of this kindergarten semester, right? Every time you accompanied us in parent-child activities, but I can feel Fei' disappointment when she saw other children's dad, yet she doesn't have one herself..."

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