chapter four

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Nova's legs were burning as they walked through the sand, a dead Deviant slowly coming into view, but she could hardly see it due to the blazing sun in her eyes.

"This is the deviant you fought in london?" Kingo asked, glancing towards Ikaris, and looking back to grimace at the creature.

Ikaris shook his head, "it's different. There must be more out there than we thought."

"Is this- this a... Deviant, sir?" Karun asked, pointing his camera at the thing with a smile.

Kingo nodded slowly, "yeah."

Karun let out a laugh as his smile widened, "it's a beautiful creature!"

Kingo's eyes widened, "what? This?" He began to follow the rest of the group, "this, no, it's hideous. You've never had one try to bite your head off. Roll." He pointed to the camera, and Karun held it up immediately. "You're about to meet two of the greatest warriors the world has ever known."

"Thena." he continued. Nova felt her heart swell at the sound of her name. "Legendary, deadly, stylish. And her trusty friend." He paused to point Karun towards the door, insisting he recorded it being opened by Gilgamesh. "The mighty power house's friend..." Ikaris knocked on the front door. "The fearsome Gilgamesh!"

Ikaris turned to glare at Kingo, before turning back to the door. Kingo frowned as it stayed closed, clearing his throat to speak once more. "Gilgamesh!"

The door opened, and there stood Gilgamesh with an apron that read, 'Kiss The Cook'. He looked over at each of them with a frown, "what took you so long?" He noticed the camera that Karun held, and waved his hand for him to put it down.

He walked through the small crowd, glancing at Sprite with a smile. "you look younger today, Sprite." He joked, a small laugh escaping his lips. Nova's eyes gleamed with amusement.

"I have the same apron." Karun smiled, following Gilgamesh with the camera.

Gilgamesh turned back to face him with furrowed brows, "who the hell are you?"

"I'm Karun, Kingo's valet." He introduced himself. His smile never seemed to leave his face.

"Oh, valet." Gilgamesh nodded, "like Alfred in Batman." And Karun nodded at the comment with a small shrug.

"Gilgamesh," Ikaris walked over to the man, "the Deviants are back."


"No shit. I could've used some help." Gilgamesh commented with pursed lips.

"Nova was attacked by a Deviant, and we were attacked by a Deviant in london, too." Sprite said, pushing her sunglasses up her nose as they began to fall.

"Even Ikaris couldn't kill it." Sersi commented, and Ikaris looked over to her with a raised brow. A small smile graced Nova lips.

"You couldn't?" Gilgamesh asked the man.

"I was distracted." Ikaris sighed softly, embarrassed.

"Sure, man." Gilgamesh chuckled. Nova let out a small laugh as well. Ikaris nudged her shoulder with a sarcastic glare, and her smile widened. "Hey, you guys wanna try my pie?" Gilgamesh pulled out a steaming pie from the oven, holding it with his bare hands.

"I'm sorry Gil." Ikaris said with a straight face, ignoring the offer. "Ajak's dead."

Gilgamesh stood there in disbelief, frowning softly at the comment. "It's true, buddy." Sprite sighed. "We lost her." Gilgamesh let his arm drop, holding the pie above the ground. The pastry slowly slid out of the pan, landing on the ground in a mushy pile.

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