9-The Truth

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[Kinuka's POV]

Luckily for me Vincent decided to wait untill after breakfast to ask questions. Before he started i had decided to wear an oversized pullover and a white skirt that stops above my knees.

I then sat on the edge of my bed while Vincent decided to stand against a wall infront of me

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I then sat on the edge of my bed while Vincent decided to stand against a wall infront of me. I was starting to get nervous as he wouldn't look at me. Instead he kept staring at the flower field I was previously working on.

"Where were you?" Spoke Vincent in a soft yet stern voice
"I w-was doing my m-morning work" I hate my stupid stutter but it comes out when i'm nervous or lie
"And what was your job that you had to be up so early and had to make your MATE worry about your location" He spoke now looking at me

I looked down, now realizing that he was worried about my safety. I should have thought about how he felt! I'm so stupid! I made my mate worry about me 4 times already! 

Instead of speaking I simply pointed out the balcony at the flowers
"The flowers? What about them?" Vincent spoke looking at me with calm eyes
"I-I was w-working"  Stay calm Kinuka "o-on them" I said looking down
"You worked on the flowers?" he questioned, to which I nodded my head
"Now that you menton them they weren't there last night" his eyebrows furrowed and he looked over at me "How could you have planted all those in one morning?"
I whined and started to shake lightly "I-If I tell you you'll hate me" I started to cry at the thought of him hating me
"Now why would I hate you, coniglia" He kneeled down now holding my face in his hands
"B-Becuse" I spoke trying not to cry any further
"Because what? If you don't tell me I can't ease your fears" he spoke, face filled with worry
"Because I'm a Fairy!" I yelled while crying 5 times worse

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