49: Tease emperor

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"Aiya your majesty it's -too- tight" he said seductively

The man looked at the emperor as the emperor looked down at Ning jie.


"It's too tight it's need to be loosen" he said

The emperor's looked away then gently put Jie'er down and loosen the ribbon.

The man closed his eyes ironically

"Xiao Zihao your still so easily tricked it's an obvious lie haven't your mother teach you anything" he asked.

Ofcourse he knew Jie'er was lying but there's nothing he could do to him jie is jie.

The general got up slowly puking blood

"Your imperial majesty this is unfair why are you protecting a stranger"

The man looked down at the man with Distastefulness

"Hmp Xiao Zihao can I please punish him I'll team up with little wifey" he said

The emperor looked at Jie'er he then close his eyes.

"Fine as long as I get tear the bastard apart" Ning jie said

"Hmp good good now let me introduce myself I am TengFei Xinjiang I'm the uncle of Xiao Zihao over there it's nice to meet his little wifey"

"Hmp" the emperor turned away

Jie'er was surprised out of the 15 years he knew this emperor he never seen to remotely show any signs of an attitude but.

"Xiao Zihao don't be angry I didn't mean to cause any trouble... Ah how about this to make it up to you I become your subordinate" he smiled.

"Go home" the emperor walked

"Aiya I can't do that I just picked a wifey plus your mother send me here to check up on you he said that I shouldn't return for atlease 10 days and in this case 10 years" he said,

The emperor sighed TengFei Xinjiang was the very very very older brother of Xian he played as an uncle figure to Wei Zihao but his family loved him very much and often teases him TengFei Xinjiang was no different, infact his world revolved room teasing his little nephew but Zihao couldn't find it anymore annoying and bothersome he sometimes go overboard and embarrassed Zihao which made him somewhat fear and dislike his uncle.

"Go away"

"Xiao your not being reasonable you won't let your favorite uncle stay well in the little time I'm here how about I reminisce with the little empress" he said smiling.

Zihao paused then shot him a glare but TengFei Xinjiang only smiled in return.

"Fine stay" the emperor said

TengFei Xinjiang grinned happily then walked up to him.

"Ah Xiao Zihao still so easy to tease well excuse me but I have this place to clean up after all they still dare to burn my and you know me I'm not merciful Oh human trash I'll be taking everything that belongs to you" he said to Tang Shen.

"Who the fuck are you I'm the general my whole ancestors has been general they will do me justice"


In the next second TengFei Xinjiang was already stomping Tang Shen's member people could hear the crushing sound of his genital and blood pouring down.

"Oh really you think those children are a match for me let all of them come we go to war I'll take what I want when I want infact I'll wipe you corrupt family and take your wife and children" he said, "sorry little wife but this prey can't be shared"

TengFei Xinjiang stepped again into his squishing Tang Shen's painful screams could be heard suddenly Tang Shen's member healed.

TengFei Xinjiang just stepped in it once again Tang Shen's painful screams had temporary woken Zheng Chi and his head tilted down to bloody member of the general soon a relief smile came upon his face as a tear fall from his eyes soon passing out once more.

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