Chapter 29: Aaliyah

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The day before

It was almost eight o'clock before Kylie returned from spying in camp. It was Sunday, which was what made it so confusing as to why she had taken so long. Sundays weren't supposed to be a big deal in camp according to her.

"I'm here!" she announced from the bottom of the staircase. She hadn't yet removed her cloak of invisibility, which was also strange. Usually, she didn't use it when she was in the bunker.

Reese and I stood up from where we had been sitting on her bed. We had been the ones checking in with her each night. So far, she'd told us the same schedule every day, and I expected today to be the same.

"Kylie," Reese stated gently. "You know you can take off your invisibility now."

"Yeah, I know. But I brought something, and I didn't want you to be surprised by it. I had to warn you first so you wouldn't jump to conclusions."

Reese's eyebrows rose in shock. "You aren't supposed to steal anything. I thought we had agreed on that. The four of us are much better suited to steal without getting caught. You're lucky your invisibility hides whatever you're holding too. Did you know that for sure before you made such a rash decision?"

Kylie huffed. "Reese," I countered tentatively. "Remember, she isn't a child. She knows what she's doing. If she stole something, it was for good reason." She may have been the authority here, and Kylie may be three years younger than her, but that didn't give her the right to be harsh.

With that, Kylie dropped her disguise and reappeared with a large backpack on her back and four of the officer's guns holstered to her waist. My jaw dropped.

"Kylie—" Reese started.

"We need everyone in here for this," she interrupted.

I hopped off the bed in reply, making my way to Luke and Marcus's room where Marcus was almost asleep. "Hey," I said, kicking his bed. "Wake up. Mandatory team meeting." He rolled over, one of his eyes pink with fatigue. He groaned.

"Do I have to?"

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, I just said it was mandatory." Reluctantly, he got up and followed me back into the front room.

Everyone else was outside playing man hunt or something. I hoped they weren't out of shouting range. I dashed up the stairs, thrusting the hatch open. "Hey!" I strained my voice, hoping they would be able to hear me. The only person I could see was Skye, and she turned her head in surprise. "Mandatory team meeting! Come back inside!" I nodded at her, hoping she would run and get the others.

"As soon as I find them!" she called back. Fortunately, she didn't have to look far. Colin and Luke emerged from the trees to her left, while Peyton came up behind her. A few more seconds passed before Micaiah came running from her right. They all followed me down into the bunker where Kylie, Reese, and Marcus were waiting.

When we got inside, I could tell they were just as shocked as I was. "I can only assume you have four complete officer's uniforms in the backpack?" Colin questioned. Kylie nodded.

"Now might be a good time to explain yourself," Reese directed.

She blew out a breath, still obviously frustrated with Reese's childlike treatment of her. "Okay. So, it's as I suspected. Every day's schedule is exactly the same, which means we need to get this insurgence started as soon as possible. That's why I went ahead and took the uniforms. I want to start no later than Tuesday."

Silence echoed throughout the room. In an attempt to ease some of the tension, I took out the schedule that Reese, Kylie, and I had formulated, laying it on the cot in front of me. They studied it, carefully reading each line.

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