Chapter 10

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Katy flopped onto her bed, she didn't mind that she had the evening to herself...First she decided to take a look at the room service menu, and determine what she was going to eat that night. After that, she decided to take a long relaxing bath whilst reading one of the books she brought on the trip.

Soon she was fully relaxed, leaning back in the tub, reading her book. So relaxed, however, that at one point she almost fell asleep and almost dropped the book in the water. Startled, she jumped up now fully awake. "My god, how long have I been in this bath?" She said out loud as she propped herself up in the tub and placed her book on the floor next to her. Leaning over the edge of the tub she grabbed her watch, which lay on the floor next to her.

18:00 it read.

'I've been in this bath for way too long...' She thought as she decided it was time to get out. Once she was fully wrapped up on a towel she went over to the hotel telephone and ordered her dinner, it would be there in around 45 minutes. With that she went over to her cellphone, to check her messages. Immediately her eyes fell upon a message sent to her by Phillip...

I know you're not working this week, but I thought you should see this.

It read and a link was attached to it, leading to a news site. For a moment Katy hesitated, but curiosity took over, and she clicked the link. Immediately she knew why Phillip had sent this to her.

Power couple Mira Corderoy and Alexander Johnson have called it quits.

The break-up and subsequent divorce of the decennia... Shocked Katy sat down and read the rest of the article. Apparently, things hadn't been so perfect for them as they had seemed, and after quite a bit of fighting the couple had decided upon a divorce. One google search informed her that this was big news, and every divorce attorney would be all over it...

'This timing couldn't be any worse...' Katy thought as she went back to her text conversation with Phillip.

i can't believe this... Why did this have to happen the one week that I can't work?

She sighed as she threw her phone on the bed, there was nothing she could do about this now... Therefore, she decided to distract herself and watch a movie. Before she could, however, Phillip had texted her back.

I know... Do you want me to keep you updated?

Katy paused for a moment staring down at her phone, should she say yes? Or should she decline? She hesitated before making her decision, she started calling Phillip. It took only about a millisecond before he picked up the phone.

"I knew you couldn't resist." He said half laughing, "Do you wanna know everything I know so far?"

"You know I do," Katy said sitting down on her bed.

Phillip chuckled, "Alright, so..." He started as he started recanting everything he knew.

Apparently, there had already been trouble in paradise for quite some time. The thing was that both of them had kept it on the down-low. Everything Phillip knew had been a combination of what the gossip magazines had said, the internet and some connections he had around his own. It had all started when Mira had started working on one of her biggest hit movies, three years ago. Back then she had been an up and coming actress, recently married to one of the biggest names in Hollywood, Alexander Johnson. In her newest movie, however, she was acting opposite of another big star, the then single Joshua Prest. Now rumours had been circulating that those two had a ridiculous amount of chemistry, but for the most part, those remained rumours. Well, apparently all the rumours were true.

Alexander found out about them, they had had a fight, Mira broke things of with Joshua and they continued dating. Time went on and Mira was set to star in her next big blockbuster, this time a sci-fi movie. At first, the role of the male lead was going to go to her husband, Alexander, however, due to scheduling conflicts they had to recast the male lead. Much to Alexander's annoyance, they went with the now married Joshua Prest.

Apparently everyone working on the project had thought that due to his recent marriage that Joshua and Mira could keep their hands of off each other, evidently they couldn't.

In the end, the couple had started a fight in the middle of one of the most prestigious restaurants and caused quite the scene. They had shouted all kinds of profanities to each other before Alexander stormed out and yelled. "The next time I'll see you it'll be in court!"

And at that Phillip's story ended, "So that's what happened."

"Wow..." Katy said, now fully laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, "That's quite the story... I always thought those two got along a little bit too well."

Phillip hummed in agreeance, "Rumour has it that Mira asked Joshua to leave his wife for her, but that he refused her."

"What about his spouse?" Katy asked.

"I have absolutely no clue." Phillip said, "She's a really private person, nobody really knows anything about her. "

"Okay..." Katy said, "So what do we know about the divorce and everything, do we know who's representing who, if there will actually be a divorce etc?"

"Well, Alexander Johnson's management has released a statement that there will be a divorce, and as far as I know they haven't hired anyone to represent them yet. And I mean neither side, I mean this all just happened." 

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