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A tensed saira was sitting in front of him. Her palm grabbing over his one as she was waiting for him to speak something. While shaurya was the one sitting like a statue on his place with his head hung low and lips zipped up. Saira sighed deeply then holding his palm more tightly she shifted closer to him.

"Shaurya? What happened? Why are you behaving like this? And what was that? What you've burnt? Tell me!" Her words steadily calm as she tried to sound like one composing her restless heart.
There shaurya was still silent. His heart was longing, to talk her. He wanted to put his heart out in front of her but the thing which had now made a house in his mind was 'she is married!' His mind was again and again playing with him by reminding him of the false assumption it had done.

Getting hesitant with her touch he curled up his body slightly then removing his palm away from hers faked a smile. "Nothing happened! I'm just sleepy!" He completely avoided her which didn't go unnoticed by her. Saira felt her heart piercing with sharp arrows. Unaware from his assumptions but she was feeling hurt by his coldness. She wasn't getting the feel of his love. It was like her shaurya had lost somewhere back, he wasn't the same person who had loved her to no end. His smile, his laughter, the cute pouts after not getting her attention, the small flirty looks....Nothing was like that. He had completely a changed man.

Maybe, he needed some more time to recover? Again passing some satisfying resons to her heart she decided to not think much. Her palm tugged on his as she stopped him from moving then coming closer to him, encircling her arms by his waist she hid in his embrace. Her head rested on his shoulder as inhaling the sweet manly fragrance of him she closed her eyes.

"When you're saying I won't ask you but don't take any stress because of anything and get well soon. I'm missing my Shaurya!" She chuckled sweetly then snuggling in his embrace tightened her hold.

There shaurya was numb. He was unable to move, even a single move was seeming like a tough task to him. Her touch was making him weak which he didn't want to become. Shaurya wanted to stop himself from going in her direction. He was controlling his emotions but then why she was doing this? Why she's coming close to him? Wasn't it inappropriate? She was now someone else's wife, her love, concern and care should be towards her husband and not him.
Though his selfish and possessive side was desiring to cage her in his arms. To never let her go away from him but at the same time he didn't want it. Because not he didn't have any right over her or her love.

He tried to move but unable as she was too much close to him and his single move could bring her more over him. Stopping the flowing tears he rolled his eyes and tightened the jaw. His wound was once again getting fresher.

Saira's body tensed up after not getting any response from him. She wiggled her eyebrows then pulling herself back looked up at his hard face which she felt very unusual. Was he angry over her? Did she do anything? What must had happened with him?

"Yo__You please go! You're tired and I too want to sleep." He shifted away from her then tried to pull the blanket but the muscle of his arm contracted tightly making him unable to move it. A wince left his mouth taking her attention. Saira immediately got near him as she held on the same arm but again shaurya jerked it off, though his move was gentle but it hurt her deeply. Saira was almost on her tears by the sudden change in his behavior, she was just messed up thinking what had happened to him? Why he was behaving in such manner?

His eyes scrunched tightly, lips zipped together in a manner to control his pain. He stretched his body more, hurting himself again which was intolerable for her. She wasn't able to see him like that.

"I'm helping you! Why are you troubling yourself!" She carefully made him lay, then covering the blanket over him she sat there. Her palm lifted up as she tried to crease his hair but that didn't happen. Sensing her move shaurya changed his side and closed his eyes. He completely ignore her which torn her heart. Now she was sure that something had happen. He wasn't behaving normally. There must be some reason behind his such behavior.

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