Meeting A Old Friend

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I was sitting on the couch listening to a song that reminded me of what I wanted in a girl or guy and it just clinged to me

Tonks came down hearing me listen to the song when she said aww you cutie well she kissed me on the cheek I smiled when I grabbed one of our crystals we have on our coffee table Tonks held my hand saying hey its time to go to hogwarts let's get you ready I smiled while she brushed my hair and put on my necklace I looked like apart of the black family I said your just to sweet God I couldn't ask for anyone better I grabbed my leather jacket which me and Tonks designed I put up a protection spell around the house protecting Tonks and our family I waved goodbye finally heading over to hogwarts with my own broom it looked like Tonks's but with a black and red ribbon on it I slowly landed seeing the high school where my brother Teddy was gonna go I couldn't believe I was gonna be the big sister Auror looking over him with his mom and dad I stepped in as every hufflepuff was a fan of me and also the Slytherins they all crowded over me seeing the design on my jacket I said yeah me and Tonks designed it but thanks to Draco he and his family made it happen Draco smiled making sure the glitter was not falling off I giggled saying Draco it's ok believe me Draco said ok just making sure because I didn't get no cheap ass leather I smiled when I said ok now I gotta get to class people as I walked over seeing Ace pass by me she pushed me to the locker calling me names but out of the blue came Tonks yelling hey your gonna regret saying that she put her wand up trying to cast a spell as I watched Ace run with her friend group I looked down seeing my necklace was glowing and plus I got brusies so she must have telaported using our mark I smiled saying you got em good Tonks smiled back but looked down at my wrist saying hey you got brusies let me fix that she casted a spell on it making it go away I hugged her feeling safe with her she said next time they bully you they will get a spell to there fucking faces I giggled as me and Tonks joined noses giggling Tonks headed back home as I waved goodbye she also had a protection spell on her necklace I gave her so nobody could kill her I suddenly looked over saying Nick? My familiar chased over to me as I went to investigate if it was him I slowly approached like in my training with Tonks as I had my wand ready for a battle like she taught me I got a little closer when Salem Meowed the person turned around and said hey who's there? Come out I came out fixing up my hair when I looked up I said Nick? Is that you? Holy amethyst it's really you I thought you hated me because the second you blocked me with no warning I was like well shit did I do something? He smiled saying nice to meet you to still hooked on Ace I said yeah she just recently got in a huge rival with Tonks but she scared her off he said well serves her right Salem was a little sus of him since they never met Salem was my black cat with piercing green eyes that looked gorgeous but he was super protective of me I said it's ok Salem he's ok no need to be scared Salem jumped off sniffing him making sure I'm Safe once Salem was sure me and him talked for a while till it was time for class

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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