8- This is going to be hell

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Michelle pov

The layers of awkwardness in this car is off the charts. We have barely been driving for 10 minutes but you could cut the tension with a butter knife.

Every time I would look up, someone was either admiring, glaring or studying me. So I just looked out of the window looking at how the buildings and trees would pass by. It reminded me of a quote I once read in a book "You can't move things, without moving." In this case I was definitely moving just not quite in the direction I would like.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a very irritating voice. " Did you hear what I said?" The father Ricardo asked. Does it look like I'm listening asshole is what I wanted to say but instead I said, "No sorry, I didn't."

Sorry? Really Michelle. Why are you even apologizing to this idiot. "Not to worry, I was just saying we are at the jet."I must have zoned out because I couldn't even remember the car stopping.

But wait, what did he say? "Jet?" I asked intrigued while climbing out of the car. When all of a sudden my soul left my body when Benjamin suddenly said "Yes little sister, we're flying with our own private jet." Jesus this dude needs a bell or something but this creeping up on me, It is just not working for me.

They probably all saw how he scared the shit out of me and started laughing. "I see you're still a little scardy cat" Benjamin said while putting his arm around my shoulder, I violently pushed his arm of my shoulder and just kept on walking without even giving them any interaction.

When we got on the jet everyone took their seats, Benjamin said they owned this jet. I did my research on them but didn't get much except for them being loaded and having ties everywhere but I didn't think they were this loaded.

"Hello, earth to Michelle, are you listening?" Benjamin said snapping my out of my thoughts, jeez this family really has a thing for interrupting you.

"No I just stopped listening the moment you opened you're mouth" I said dead serious, Maggie who was sitting next to me started laughing and Bear quickly joined her. "Sorry what was that?" Benjamin asked probably thinking I would apologize. "You heard what I said" I said with a slight smirk. I saw anger creeping on his face. "Well um I was saying, you probably don't remember us all that well, so let us introduce ourselves." The father said with a smile and taking his wife's hand quickly trying to keep the peace .

"Well I am Ricardo, your father" he said with authority as if I am his employee or something. I just gave him a bored look.

"Hi sweetie, I am your mother Vivian" she said looking giving me a smile. Yeah mother right, she is a nut job she ain't fooling me. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I just gave her a glare.

"Hi Ellie, I'm you sister Isabella, it is good to have you back." A beautiful girl with long black raven hair and emerald eyes said. Like her father she only received a bored expression.

 "I'm Benjamin your eldest brother, the one you elbowed in the nuts." The blond haired and blue eyed man said. We looked a lot alike, not gonna lie. Vivian scolded him but he just pushed it a side as he kept glaring at me. "Maybe if you just left me at my home, you wouldn't have a problem with your ego or your dick now" I said with a fake pout. He glared at me looking like he wanted to murder me, but I just glared back. You don't scare me pretty boy. Everyone was shocked with what I said that they didn't know how to react.

"Damn little sis , I already love you. I'm Bernardo but you can call me Bear" A boy who had brunette hair and emerald eyes said. I couldn't help but to smile at him and it was a genuine smile which he gladly returned. 

"Hi, I'm Sabrina your older sister." A blonde girl said with emerald eyes . She also just got a bored expression.

"Hi , I'm Maggie but you can call me mags if you'd like, it is great to finally meet you" a younger version of Isabella said who was very excited. "Hi nice to meet you" I said with a smile. I liked this kid she seemed different plus she had nothing to do with what her family did, I mean she was just a little baby when everything went down.

After they introduced themselves the rest of the plane ride was mostly filled with awkward silence and Mags talking with me. I like her she's not that bad. But Benjamin on the other hand is dangerous and me attacking his huge ego  was probably not the best thing to do.

When we landed we got greeted by a driver and a limo, wait a massive limo. In which all 8 of us fit in. How rich are these people?

When we were all in the limo, the driver took off , I sat at the window and just stared out. When all of a sudden my phone rang. I looked who it was to see on my phone 'Mom'. I was about to decline because I don't want them all to listen to my conversation.

But before I could decline it Ricardo said in a demanding tone "Answer the phone" . I seriously thought this dude was joking so I told him "Nah I'll call her back later." They all looked at me shocked liked I just killed their puppy or something.

"It wasn't a request, it's an order" He said angry. "An order? What is this army boot camp?" I asked. I only received a stern look from them. I just scoffed and shook my head in disbelief and answered the phone.

"What took you so long , I'm worried sick" my mom's concern voice came through my phone.

"Sorry mom, I was a little occupied. "I said not feeling very uncomfortable with them all listening to my conversation. "Are you okay?" She asked concern.

"Ma, jy is op luidspreker die idiote het gesê dit is 'n bevel so ek bel ma weer later terug." I said irritated, I saw everyone shocked they probably didn't hear me talk Afrikaans to my mom earlier.
(Mom you're on speaker, the idiots said it is an order, so I will call you back later)

"Okay love you" she said. "Love you too" I said before hanging up the phone. The Ferrari's all looked shocked. "You speak another language?" Sabrina asked.

"Yup"I said popping the p. "What did you tell her." Benjamin asked. "You heard the conversation, I was ordered to put it on speaker" I said looking straight at the father with a innocent smile.

This is going to be hell,  and you don't need to be a genius to figure that out.

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