𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱||𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬

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I woke up to a pounding headache so with a groan I opened my eyes

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I woke up to a pounding headache so with a groan I opened my eyes. Last nights events came rushing back to me. I remembered making an ass of myself after jumping into the fucking pool. Slowly, I moved my head to the side to find waves of dark curls laying against the pillow. I brought hand up to his hair, trailing my fingers through it gently as a soft sigh escaped his lips.

I'm whipped as fuck and I don't know if I like it.

"Zay." I mumbled into his ear before kissing behind it. " 'Mm tired amore." He rasped, tightening his grip around my waist. I should let him sleep but it's nearly 2 in the afternoon and he has a mafia to run.

I sneezed suddenly so he lifted his head up, glaring at me, "See what happens when you jump into the fucking pool? Dumbass." He grumbled, getting out of bed as he shook his head. I want to laugh but I know he's just gonna be pissy all day so I decide against it.

"Can I have a hug?" I mumble, extending my arms towards him when he came back with tablets and a glass of water. His eyes flickered towards me then to the tablets before he shook his head, "No." He grumbled, sending me a glare as he placed the stuff on the nightstand.

"I'm going to cry." I mumble, pulling the covers over me more since I'm freezing my ass off. "No
you won't." Then the next thing I knew, tears were falling down my cheeks. I don't even know why. My emotions are just all over the fucking place. Being hung over and sick is not a good combination.

Xavier's eyes widened slightly as his eyebrows
furrowed in confusion. Probably because I'm literally crying for no reason, "Why are you fucking crying?" Then I was pulled into his warm embrace as strong arms wrapped themselves around me.

"I don't know." I mumbled, crying into his chest as he rubbed my back gently. He probably thinks I'm crazy. Even I think I'm crazy. He gently rocked us back and forth in order to calm me down which eventually worked as my sobs died down.

It's okay to cry for no reason. It's okay to just let it out even if that's through tears.

Sniffling slightly, I mumbled into his chest, drawing random shapes on it with my finger, "I'm hungry."

"I'll get you food." Then he began placing me back on to the bed but I tightened my grip around him, "No I wanna cook." I grumbled, clinging onto him as if my life depended on it. I'm going insane.

Xavier sighed, standing back up with me in his arms, "You're so fucking stubborn." He grumbled, carrying me out the room and towards the stairs.

I grinned as he carried me into the kitchen. Then my grin disappeared as soon as I saw everyone sitting around the kitchen with coffee mugs in their hands. Oh for fuck sakes. Why do they have to see me looking like this? They all smirked at me as Xavier passed the dining room table, completely ignoring them. I secretly stuck my middle finger at them causing them to laugh slightly.

From the corner of my eye I could see Nick staring at me as Xavier sat me on the kitchen counter near the stove. I furrowed my eyebrows at him but he only frowned and looked away. Weirdo.

"How are you feeling?" Xavier brought a hand up to my forehead before kissing it as I sniffled slightly. "Great." I grinned at him before letting out a sneeze. Not waiting for his response, I hopped off the counter and grabbed ingredients for pancakes.

As I poured the mixture into the pan, Xavier wrapped his arms around me from behind with his face buried into my neck, "I want to fuck you." He blurted out, peppering soft kisses onto my neck. So straight forward I love it. "That's so random." I chuckled, flipping the pancake over.

"But you looked so good when you were grinding on my d-" Before he could finish his highly inappropriate comment, I threw flour at him. He paused for a moment, glaring at me before grabbing some flour with a smirk plastered across his lips. I squealed as I  ran away but he caught me by the waist, pulling me to his chest.

Then he threw the flour at me with a giant smile on his fucking face. He's lucky I love him.

"Xavier Romano Hernandez!" I huffed, shaking the flour off my head. "Not the government name." Pietro strolled into the kitchen, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of us. Then Xavier had the fucking audacity to ruffle his hair so now all of the flour off him is now on me.

Everyone else walked into the kitchen with their eyes wide and mouths agape. Almost like they couldn't believe that I could talk to their Don like that. It's kinda funny seeing them all scared and shit whenever they do something wrong around Xavier. Like I said before he's just a big softy.

"Anyway," I turned back to the pancakes on the stove, "who wants pancakes?" I looked at them over my shoulders watching as smiles appeared on their faces.  As usual, Xavier sat himself on the counter next to the stove, watching me with a small smile on his face. I returned the same smile so he leaned down, placing a soft kiss onto my lips.

Everyone left the kitchen not too long ago so I put the pancakes onto one big plate for everyone. Rowan has gluten free ones since he's lactose intolerant so I put his on a separate plate. After putting the plate down for everyone, they all grabbed one immediately as if they've been starved for days.

"Fuck yeah." Pietro literally moaned with a mouthful of pancakes in his mouth as his eyes closed. Raf gave him a weird look as he sipped on his coffee. Rowan shoved another forkful in his mouth, completely ignoring Pietro. Nick just sat silently playing with his food before he locked his gaze with me. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he smirked at me. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I moved my gaze to Xavier who was too busy talking too Raf to notice the weird looks Nick was giving me.

I narrowed my eyes at Nick when he began walking towards me. At first I thought he was nice but now I just want to punch his fucking face. He brushed passed me slightly to put his plate in the sink before whispering into my ear, "They were good baby."  His words sent an uneasy feeling to my stomach as well as unpleasant chill was sent down my spine.

I kneed his dick causing him to groan in pain but nobody noticed so I leaned down  to his ear to whisper quietly, "Don't speak to me like that again dickhead." I then pushed him by the shoulders before walking towards Xavier who was completely oblivious to what had just happened.

I sat myself down on the seat next to him, sipping on the orange juice I got from earlier. After noticing I was here, Xavier dragged my chair closer to him before throwing an arm around my shoulder. I placed a kiss on his cheek before popping a pill into my mouth to get rid of this God awful headache. Once I swallowed the pill, I leaned my head against Xavier's shoulder as he placed a kiss on top of it.

"I meant what I said earlier." Xavier whispered into my ear, wrapping a hand around my throat to tilt my head up to him. My breath hitched in my throat when our heated gazes met each other's.

I clenched my thighs together in anticipation as I bit my bottom lip. Xavier seemed to notice because he placed his hand on my inner thigh, "I saw that." He whispered in my ear before kissing behind it, sending chills down my spine.

"We aren't alone." I whispered yelled, moving his off my thigh before clearing my throat when Pietro looked at me. "I don't give a fuck. I want you amore mio." Xavier whispered in my ear before standing up from his seat. A surprised yelp left my lips when he threw my over his shoulder. Horny man.

"Put me down motherfucker!" I pounded my fists onto his back as he carried my up stairs,earning a few smirks from the boys. Expect Nick. Obviously. "I'm sick." I grumbled, dangling off his shoulders after giving up trying to set myself free. Accidentally, I sneezed on him so he gently rubbed my back, using his other hand to open the door to his room.

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