Introduction/Authors Note<3

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Hello, whoever is reading this welcome my name is Hannah. I just want to introduce myself and talk about my characters and about what things you will see in this story.

I am new to writing so this story may be cringe, I would like people to share thoughts whether it's commenting or messaging me about if you liked my book or not or if there is something you would like to see in the book.

If I write something offensive please tell me so I can fix it I do not wish to offend anyone. There will be a lot of characters so any new characters I introduce I will make sure to add their aesthetics at the end of chapters and everything else about that character I feel you should know. There will be POC characters.

This series has many tropes that include grumpy x sunshine, founding family, bad boy/good girl, and many more tropes

I have gotten a lot of my ideas for this book from many other books. If some scenes of my book remind you of something from other books that is because I might have taken inspiration from them.

I will be doing a series with a different couple in each book from the same friend group. They will all show up in each other's books kinda like the Off-Campus series but different. There will be more diversity as in different races, sexuality, ethnicity, etc so please help me along and give me feedback about things.

There is also a playlist I made for this series. I recommend playing it in shuffle because the songs aren't in order. My Spotify is Hsc.008. I had added many songs to it. I plan to make an Instagram account for my series but for right now you can follow me at hsc.008. I also plan to make a TikTok account as well for this series.

This series will be quite big I plan to do about 7 books in the Riverview College series plus many bonus chapters and probably a book that takes place a couple of years later. I plan to do a mafia series with four books and I also have many stand-alones.

Some people may or may not like my books and that is okay. I do not expect everyone to like my books but I will put a rule. Please if you do not like this book or any of my books I would love feedback but please do not be mean to people who do enjoy my books. If you do not like something that is your opinion and I respect that but I will not have you be rude or disrespectful or anything like that to anyone who does enjoy it.

Now since that was said I would like to talk about some Trigger Warnings in this book. I will be putting Trigger Warnings in all my books and I will also prepare you to expect them to come up. If you get Triggered by any of this I do not recommend reading.

There will be mature stuff in this series such as partying/drinking, discussion of ED and anxiety, in one of my other books there will be a discussion of sexual abuse, there will be mature scenes, and talk of body dysphoria, loss of parent, etc. If any of these topics trigger you, I do not recommend reading.

I do not know if I will be writing smut or not yet I don't think I will but I'll probably change my mind in the future who knows. If I do plan to write smut please do not expect it to be amazing and please do not expect me to write it a lot.

There will be lots of different languages that my characters will speak. One of my characters will speak Spanish while one speaks Korean and someone else might speak Bangla. I do not know these languages and I will be using a translator. If something is wrong with the translation please tell me and I will fix it.

My books may not be fully edited so sorry in advance if there are any errors. Please don't steal my story, I own all rights and do not give permission for anyone to use my books. This book may be short but I do plan to have my books longer in the future. If you find someone that uses my stories please send them to me and report them.

If you post anything about my book please tag my tiktok account. I will make sure to like and comment to show my appreciation for you both liking my book and promoting it.

My books may be quite boring in the beginning because I am still getting used to them. I plan to have my books fully completed and will update at least one chapter every day or every other day. If I have anything else to add I will do so. Thank you for choosing this book to read. I hope you enjoy it and come back for more. Have an amazing day/night/afternoon.

- Hannah<3

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