Chapter 30 |Noah's Note|

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My sweet boy, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I couldn't bring myself to tell you especially since you have been so happy. The treatments had stopped working months ago. I knew I didn't have much time.

I didn't want you to worry for me. You had always put your father and me above anyone else. I knew you would have done it again if you knew about my condition. You would have left college and moved back in with us, you would have given up everything to help in any sort of way.

This time I needed you to choose yourself, I needed you to put yourself above everyone. I wanted you to be happy. You met someone. You let us meet her, and you never do that. I heard you talk about her for hours on end with tears in my eyes.

I knew you would find the someone waiting for you. She is beautiful, my dear. I wish I could have stayed longer to see you two unfold in real life but I guess I'll just have to watch from above. I'm happy I got to meet her. Don't ever let her go, okay?

Now, my beautiful son, I need you to do something for me. I need you to be happy, I need you to make sure to take care of yourself and achieve those dreams you had since you were little. When you get scouted to your dream NHL team, you better come and tell me.

You are an amazing person. I'm not just saying that because you're my son. You have made me the proudest mother any mother can be. One of my favorite memories was when you were 10. Do you remember that time when your father and I were trying to have another kid?

It was one of the hardest times for us. We had tried everything but we still couldn't have another one. I remember that one night I was crying to your father about the fertility treatments not working. You should have been in bed by this time but you always managed to sneak out of your bed to steal some snacks, especially with your father.

You had walked up to me, I tried wiping my tears and acting like I was gone but you never fell for that game. You hugged me and said and I quote.

'Mommy, it's okay. I don't need a sibling. I just need you and daddy. I will try to be enough for you two so you won't need another.'

My heart broke when I heard that last sentence. I couldn't tell you then but I can tell you now. Sweetheart, you were always enough for us and you always will be. I never wanted to make you feel as if you weren't.

During that rough time, you had helped your father and me so very much. I never thanked you for that so I'm doing it now. Thank you, Noah. I loved you then but I love you even more now. I am so happy for who you have become today.

You have grown into a strong, beautiful person I knew you could be. Would you promise me something? Would you promise me that you would be okay? I need to make sure that you will live the life you deserve with the person you love.

Keep an eye on your dad for me. He can be just like you sometimes. Act like everything is okay and that he is fine when really under all that tough armor he is a big softie.

Now I have to go my sweet boy, but I have one more thing to say. I love you so very much. Remember what I had told you many years ago. There will be someone that will offer you an entire universe when you only expected a single star. You have found her, so don't let her go.

I love you, goodbye

I love you, goodbye

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