CHAPTER [16] - Living Poor, shower.

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Damsel was at a loss for what to do; he may well be considered homeless right now. He had a credit card, but it was money from his parents, and he didn't want to spend a single penny of it, while on the other hand, the three had nowhere to go; they were teens who still had to go to school and were still bound by their families. Damsel will be entirely independent once he is 18, but until then, he must attend that wretched school and sit in the same classroom as Matt for the next few days, and who knows if Carter will come all the way to school to find Darren and Samuel?

It was risky, and the consequences for the other 2 boys would be dangerous, so much so that Carter may permanently injure them or find a way to tie them down.

But what could he do?

Darren has 3 months until he turns 18, and damsel? 4. 

If they go into hiding for four months, they will have legal standing to take Samuel's custody to court; Darren is a blood relative, and with Vincent's contacts, they may be able to win the case. Vincent's pack is well-connected all over the world, so a case like this one wouldn't be a huge concern, but the point is, Damsel couldn't contact Vincent until he had legal authority, at the very least.

If you were to say Damsel hated the knights, then Vincent despised them; he had history with them. Of course, Damsel only knew parts and pieces because Vincent never liked to talk about it, but when Vincent was trafficked to the United States, it was Carter who was attempting to buy slaves.

All of Vincent's anguish could be traced back to Carter and his pack.

His hatred could not be described in a few words; it was a hate that wanted to wreak havoc, a hate that wouldn't let the person rest until they murdered and destroyed their object of hatred, wanting them to suffer, scream, and see the life in their eyes go away, inch by inch.

He grew up with Vincent's remarks, and the way he looked at Darren was partly influenced by Vincent's beliefs; and Damsel knew he couldn't ask for assistance. Damsel's knuckles were becoming white against the steering wheel, he was clutching it so tightly, trying to stay calm and collected, but his thoughts were swarming around, his brain was hectic, and the vehicle lights flashing in front of him were making him dizzy. He pulled over to the side of the road when he realized he couldn't go any farther. He took deep breathes, perspiration trickled down his temples, and he could feel the worry eating him up. Darren was still dissociated, and Samuel was sprawled out in the back.

"Fuck." Damsel's head thumped like if he were bearing the weight of the entire universe on his shoulders.

He rested his head on the driving wheel, he was on the verge of a mental collapse, he had no money, no house, and two people who were essentially disabled were with him. He'd underestimated himself; three kids couldn't possibly survive on their own without passing out on the street for fuck's sake. Where was he going to receive the financial support?

Only the breaths of three people could be heard in the quiet of that automobile, and Damsel's was beginning to pick up, his chest swirling up and down as if he was straining to breathe.


It was Darren's voice,

"I have a friend," His voice did not have a hint of emotion, after what he had gone through, there was no way to return to a right mental state, but right now, it was clear he was trying; trying to help. "His family owes me, we can stay at his old apartment. The rent is cheap, and if we both find paying jobs nearby, we can make do," 

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