Part 2

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When you awake the next morning from the persistent sun stabbing through your half-open blinds, you feel—speaking politely—fucking awful. Your head throbs mercilessly, your makeup is streaked all over your face, your breath could kill a man, and the worst part? You remember everything. Clearly, the extra shots you downed last night didn't help your predicament at all.

"Ugggh..." As much as you'd like to lie here forever, you need water. Dragging yourself out of bed, you pad your way in fuzzy slippers to the kitchen. You lean against the counter as you sip from your mug, noticing that the room to Taehyung's door is open. His keys aren't hanging on the hook either. You figure he probably went home with the raven-haired beauty he was grinding up on all night.

What kind of panties was she wearing?

"Oh god, stop," you scold yourself just as the door opens, and Taehyung pokes his head in.

"Stop what?" His hair is rumpled, cheeks rosy as he drops his backpack against the wall. "Are you talking to yourself again? Weirdo."

"Shut up. No." You roll your eyes. "How is your head not killing you?"

Taehyung shrugs as he strips his jacket off. He walks to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "I'm not the one who took five shots in a row like she wanted to die."

"You saw that? I thought you already left with..." You gulp, swallowing the rest of your words as you instantly regret starting the sentence in the first place. That's the one thing you and Taehyung never talk about. You're not sure why, but it's been that way since the first day of elementary school, save for one blip in high school that lasted all of a week. By now, your habits are too entrenched to change, and neither of you seem to want to anyway. You're both aware that you have sex lives, of course, but it goes unspoken. You have your own circle of friends for that. And apparently Taehyung has... Namjoon.

"Nah." Taehyung thankfully brushes it off as he collapses onto the couch. "Wanna order something for breakfast?"

You flop down next to him, following his lead as you forcibly shove the panties and the girl from your mind. "Yup. The greasier the better."

It's a few days later when the second term of summer classes start. For once, they're a welcome distraction. You barely think about Tae's texts as you throw yourself into the world of 18th century theatre, devouring your readings for class in hopes of an A+. That's where you find yourself on this balmy Monday night, outlining your upcoming essay when your phone buzzes.

[6:23pm] jiminie: ur coming to the cabin this weekend, right?

The cabin: despite its name, it's more like a house on a nearby island. Owned by Seokjin's family, he invites everyone up at least once a term for a weekend of drinks and campfires.

[6:24pm] you: wouldn't miss it!!!
[6:24pm] jiminie: good. the ship leaves at 2 so u better be there

You send a sticker of a blue Koala saying OK before getting up to knock on Taehyung's door. "Tae!" You yell over the music that blares from his room, his bad habit that you've long gotten used to and now even kind of like.

The door opens a few beats later. "What's up? You want to get food?"

"You make me sound like a pig. I do other things than eat, you know."

Taehyung grins. "I'm not so sure about that."

You lightly smack him on the shoulder and he feigns pain, mouth dropping into a shocked o. You stick your tongue out. "Anyway, there's cabin this weekend. You in?"

"Hmm..." He taps his long fingers on the door frame. "Nah, not this time."

"'Kay, suit yourself." You smile. "I'll have enough fun for the both of us."

His eyes soften. "Just be safe."

"Yeah, yeah, I will." You swear, he picked up this nagging habit from your mom. Still, it's nice to know just how much he cares. "Okay, essay calls." You turn, and head back to work.

By the time Friday rolls around, you're practically buzzing with excitement. Your friend has most graciously informed you that Min Yoongi is going to be coming to this trip, and lord knows you've had a lowkey crush on him since the first day of classes. He rarely attends these things, preferring the company of his work or his bed, but it looks like Jin managed to drag him along.

You're currently sitting in a lecture hall, the duffel bag by your side all packed and ready to go. Try as you might to pay attention, your mind and eyes keep wandering back to the clock. Your class ends at 12:30pm, and if you hurry, you'll make it to the ferry terminal just in time before the ride leaves.

The minutes tick by, but the professor just keeps prattling on. "Okay, that feels like a good place to stop." She claps her hands together, closing the textbook. "I'll see you all on Monday!"

Thank God. You grab your bag, already out of your seat when—

"Oh, wait! For the honors students, don't forget the first thesis informational meeting is being held from 1-2:30 today. If you're planning on writing the year-long thesis next term, it's very highly recommended that you go."

Shit. That was today? How the hell did you forget something as important as that? You sigh, mentally kissing any chance with Yoongi goodbye as you exit the lecture hall, texting Jimin the bad news. Your next stop has now changed to the campus coffee shop for a consolation coffee.

Looks like neither you or Taehyung will be having any fun this weekend. 

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