Ch-4 The Prison

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As the night creeped towards midnight, a house a few blocks away from the local prison, a young man was pacing back and forth waiting for a message as he did every night towards midnight. He was clad in a guard uniform, but if one looked closely, he did not have a badge as all the prison guards had.

A knock sounded on the door, as the young man quickly rushed towards the door.

Another man was standing there, as he only said "Assalamualikum." To which he replied "Wa'likumassalam. Which cell?"

The other man gave him a paper and instantly walked away, as the young man opened the paper and muttered, "Building number 8, Chamber 6, Cell 17D."


With his lips constantly in dhikr, even if his throat was parched without any water, Uthman sat calmly in a corner of the cell as the other cellmates except one were fast asleep on the cold hard floor.

"Harith, let's pray." Uthman whispered to his friend he had made in the cell. The guards used to beat anyone they found praying, even if they themselves were Muslims. Which is why most of the cellmates did not pray while the guards were awake. Uthman, however, proudly stood for prayer even if the guards were awake, which caused him to get beaten up many times, which he accepted proudly.

As the patroller pushed him into a car, something suddenly hit Uthman's head which caused him to blackout.

When he came to, he found himself chained to a wall.

"Oh, so the arrogant boy is finally awake!" A sneering guard said, as he walked towards Uthman.

"What were you thinking yelling at the crown like that, when you are below him?" He snarled

"A dirty, smelly boy yelling at the crown and the patroller!" He said, as his steamy breath which smelled like onions hit Uthman's face.

Uthman looked like he was going to burst out laughing any minute.

The other patrollers lookedconfused.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" the patroller yelled.

"It's ironic that you say I'm smelly," Uthman smiled. "Yet have you seen yourself? Did anyone smell your breath? They probably did because it's so horrible that other patrollers are standing away from you."

The patroller looked around. It was true; all the other patrollers stood a few meters away from him.

A patroller suddenly burst out laughing; he couldn't help it.


The patroller suddenly went quiet; he suddenly seemed to have found something of great importance on his sleeve.

"I thought so!"

Then turning towards Uthman, he said, "I will make sure you have a painful death!"

"Death doesn't frighten me." Uthman calmly said.

He only feared Allah, the one who should be feared.

"Oh, still arrogant, huh? Let's see how long that will last..." he smirked as he motioned to a muscly man standing near a door holding a rod.

As the guard beat him black and blue, Uthman fell unconscious.

 When he came to, he was in a cell with nine other cellmates.

A boy his age came towards him and made him sit up gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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