Chapter 2

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Illya: Alright, today, I will not lose!

Currently Kiritsugu is playing with Illya outside in the snow. Saber and Illyasviel are having tea and discussing something inside the castle, whilst looking out the window. Shirou is on the castle roof watching his master. He can't help but see the difference between this version and his version. He looks over to the girl and sees she about the same age as Miyu. He couldn't help but think, 'Maybe she'll end up being a future friend of Miyu's.'

It's possible because even though they're currently here in Germany and not in Fuyuki, with the current situation there's a chance she'll end up in Fuyuki as well. However he can't help but remember some vague memories of his future counterpart of her sister. He remembers failing her dearly. He remembers her hate for him. No. Not him. His top priority right now is Miyu and Irisviel. Maybe Kiritsugu as well. Right now he should just focus on what's to come.

Soon he decides he's done watching and appears before Irisviel and Saber and takes a seat. He then looks up to see their shocked eyes and how it's locked onto his clothes. What Shirou is currently wearing is a simple blue hoodie with black jeans and socks.

Shirou: What?

Saber: Ahem, it's just your clothes.

Shirou raises an eyebrow at her. He doesn't exactly know what she meant by that or how to take it. Is it weird for a servant to wear this? Or was it a compliment.

Shirou: Thank you I guess...?

Irisviel: No Shirou! What she meant is where you got it from?

Shirou: [Smirks] That just shows how strong of a Servant I am. 😤

They all just look dumbfounded by his response but Shirou could care less as there's a question that he's been wanting to ask.

Shirou: Irisviel, can I ask you something?

Irisviel: Sure what is it?

Shirou: What is yours and my master's wish from the Holy Grail?

Irisviel: Our wish huh... [Smiles] It's to create a world where no one suffers, no one gets hurt and everyone is happy!

Once Shirou heard those words he wasn't that surprised, but still ended up widening his eyes a little. He could tell Kiritsugu knows what kind of dangerous game they're playing now and it could cost them everything. Kiritsugu knows there's a chance Illya will lose her parents. Shirou could see it in Kiritsugu's eyes on how conflicted he is with what is the right decision. Which path he should choose.

Shirou: ... Then it's something we shall make happen.

Saber: A truly noble wish indeed.

Shirou: Do you have a wish Arturia. I'm sure someone as you has a noble wish oh King of Knights.

Saber: My wish... is to save my country. To avert Britain's distaster.

Shirou: If you do that... then I hope your prepared to be responsible for the consequences.

Saber: [Blinks] Consequences? What Consequences.

Shirou: What your planning to do is rewrite history. Your someone who's respected throughout the world and yet wishing this will not only change your country's fate but also everyone else's. It could result in some's death. Or some could suffer not having the legend of you around.

Saber: [Grits teeth] I know that an—

Shirou: Your someone who people have come to admire. Even after your death. You may have lost yes. But everyone loses in the end Arturia. I want you to think back to your people. Their face's full of determination, admiration and the honour they have for you. They knew what they were getting into. Everybody wins one and loses one. It's part of life. If you were selfish, just once, do you think they'll be angry. No. They'll be happy for you, knowing someone who they live for gave up their humanity for them.

Saber: ...But if it's for!—

Shirou: [Closes his eyes] Whatever you plan to do won't be good. I'm not forcing you to not wish for this. It's your choice, however, answer me this. How do you think your knights and people would feel if they knew you sacrificed hundreds of lives just to ensure Britain comes out victorious? Innocent people at that? Think on that and come back to me once you've properly thought this over.

Arturia tightens her fist and looks down. She knows he's right. She knows of what could happen. Can she be selfish? Is she allowed? He said they would be happy for her but how? How could she when it's her duty as a king?!

Shirou: By the way.

Saber: Yes? [She looked up at him]

Now what does he want? Does he want to ridicule her now for such a stupid dream. Or does he want to break her even more, letting her think that this was a waste. The pact she made was a waste.

Shirou: With a face like yours, it's hard to believe you were able to pass of as a king.

'Huh?'That was all Saber could think. She let it sink into her for a few seconds l, but then immediately understood what he meant. A slow and little blush creeped onto her face in understanding of what he mean. 'Why is he asking this?!'

Irisviel: Ohh [Grins]

Shirou: What, it's a genuine question. Even if she wasn't a king, there would be a chance she would be famous for her beauty.

Arturia's blush deepens become more visible. Irisviel becomes surprised by the turn of events and is amused.

Irisviel: Are you perhaps flirting with her, Shirou?

Arturia: L-listen here, compliments will not get you back on my good side.

Shirou: So your not denying your beautiful. How narcissistic.

Arturia: I am not a NARCISSIST! [Slams her hands on the table and stands up]

Shirou: of course not My king or should I say Milady.

Arturia: That's it!

Shirou: [Immediately Stands up and looks at imaginary watch] Would you look at the time, I have to go. See ya!

Shirou enters his spirit form and runs away. Even though no one can see him in this form, it's still an exception to other servants. Including Arturia as she sees him fleeing.

Now he understood why Archer liked teasing people like Rin. However he didn't expect it to go that well with the King of Knights.

Author Notes:

Hoped you guys like the 2nd chapter. I'm not sure if I did the teasing on Saber really well. But I tried my best. As I'm watching the anime, I'm think of ways on how Shirou can impact everything. Anyways that's all from me. Bye!

1106 Words

Shirou Emiya In Fate/Zero [Miyuverse Shirou]Where stories live. Discover now