Bounus Scene

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Lightoller was slaving over his watch shift at the bridge when he heard the voice of his Scottish superior. "You can take a break, Mr. Lightoller. I'll take over. Go do whatever the hell you do on your break." Murdoch said. The voice caused Lightoller to jump slightly. "Ah, William Murdoch, finally here to do your goddamn job! Mind telling me where the fucking hell you've been disappearing off to lately?" Lightoller replied, sarcastic and annoyed. "We'll, over the past day or so, I need to take a mental health break... it's a long story, and-" Murdoch was cut off. "Wait. Is that Mr. Andrews's coat?!" Lightoller asked, a smile spreading across his face. Murdoch looked to to see that he indeed was wearing Thomas Andrews's coat. "Shit!.." he said under his breath. Lightoller then spotted something else. "And what's that on your neck?!" He asked, trying not to crack into laughter. "What? What's on my neck?" With a snort of laughter, Lightoller pulled out a small hand mirror and gave it to Murdoch. On the left side on his neck was what appeared to be some kind of bruise. "Fuck!.." he again whispered under his breath. "Wait!" Lightoller said with barely contained laughter, as he connected the dots. "You and Mr. Andrews?!.. You mean to tell me that Mr. Andrews gave you a hickey?!" His laughter finally broke. He laughed so hard he almost couldn't breathe! "Ah, fuck off, Charles!" Murdoch said, shoving the second Officer to the side as he stepped up onto the bridge. Meanwhile Charles Lightoller continued to die of laughter as he walked off, to the possible confusion to others around such as Officer Moody. "Oh, that's fucking rich!" He said. Murdoch caught the Sixth Officer's confused gaze. "Don't ask. In fact, don't even think about it. It's nothing you need to be concerned with." He replied. James Moody for sure got the message and he looked away, but not without a small amused smile. Murdoch turned back to the horizon in front of him, an embarrassed blush covering his face... he could only hope the next person he meets was NOT Captain Smith... cause not even God himself would know how Murdoch would explain... "Mr. Murdoch?" Came the curious voice of Captain Smith. The Scotsman's eyes widen as he swiftly turns around to see, yep, the Captain, along with Mr. Ismay, who both had confused faces. "How did you end up with Mr. Andrews's coat?" Smith asked. "And what's with that bruise on your neck?" Ismay added. There were only two things in Will Murdoch's mind:
1. Oh fuck...
2. Thomas Andrews Jr.: The poor sorry son of a bitch that would possibly become the world's next homicide victim

If this was an animated movie, the scene would close with a classic "MOTHERFU-" from Will Murdoch. And of course, it would cut off with the perfect timing just before he were to get the entire curse word out! 😂 😂 😂

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