CH 12: Don't Leave Me

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'What the hell are you speaking Taehyung, are you in your mind?!'

'I am perfectly in my mind, you are not, I am a man, I am not meant to do this job!'

'What do you mean, huh, we women are just birth machines for you men.'

'the thing is simple as that I don't want this, I will get abortion.'

'No you'll not'

'yes I will'

'No you not because this is not your child alone, this is mine too'

'But the sperm is mine'

'and the ovaries are mine, do you even know the side effects of surgical abortion. I will not let you do this.'

'will you please stop repeating it, you are making my head ache. And what side effects , huh, I don't care this is not my body anyways.'

'you don't care about my body? You know we will have so much trouble in future having a child because of the side effects.'

'I know why you are saying this because you hate surgeries, and what child, huh, We were already going to divorce, for god's sake.'

My jaw dropped when he said that.

'You still want divorce? You forgot The Night.'

'What "The Night" I consider it as a mistake, you were needy I was needy and we slept.'

He is hurting me to deep down, what I was mistaking as a act of love was just a night for him. I will not forgive him.

'I asked you that Don't leave me and you agreed.'

'Oh my god will you please just---shut up! We were going to divorce.'

'No, I get that. You want divorce so fine.' I went into the study room came back with some documents and sat on the dinner table uncapping my pen ready to sign giving a last look to Taehyung.

'wh-what is this?'

'our divorce papers, I'm signing it right now, you can sign whenever you want then give it your lawyer.'

He was disgusted his ego was crushing in front of him, you know that Male Ego he is hurt he is angry wants to slap me or brake something in the house. But I will not bow down here and tolerate his ego, he is going too much far.

I went in my room and started packing my (his clothes technically) clothes after that I came back and he is just staring at the papers on the table and then me.

'where are you going?'

'I guess you hate me as hell and can't tolerate me, so, we are separating, I am going from here just want to say one thing before going. Enjoy being in my body because I enjoy being a MAN. You were meant to protect the baby and now you are the one who wants to kill our love. Just think if we would had been our perfect bodies right now, would you have still said this?'

Saying this I went away.


I am in a hotel right now, I didn't went to work today, took a off. 

Okay. I hate it I hate my life my state, my miserable situation. Taehyung is going to kill my child and I can't do anything. I am crying at myself I will not be able to see my child, I want Taehyung suffer for his best. 

Taehyung's POV

 After eating like a monster in dinner in morning I am sitting on the bathroom floor hands on my head, I just completed my first round of vomiting I am feeling very weak. I stumbled while heading out of the bathroom, this pregnancy is really testing the shit out of me. I stood up got ready for Y/N's office.

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