Chapter 10

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(Y/n) art at the end!!


"Since it's still quite early in the morning, Class 1-A will be with their teacher going through a training schedule designed by me," (Y/n) decided and Aizawa raised his eyebrows before wincing slightly.

"Class 1-B will be with me, they will be trying to knock me onto my feet but no quirks will be allowed at all," she continued.

"With Class 1-B, it will only be a physical fight, I will be using my bokken and if they knock it out, it becomes a hand to hand combat."

Humming, she nodded and grinned.

"Dadzawa, you know what to do with my training schedule."

The pro hero nodded before turning around to announce what they've decided.

Turning around, she went around the area and went out to draw a large circle before asking Mandalei to bring a lot of water bottles.

Footsteps came up behind her and the former slayer looked up, her eyelids threatening to drop already as some stared at her with doubt in their eyes.

"Alrighty, since you're all here-"

"And why should we listen to you exactly?"

(Y/n) stopped and her eyes narrowed, not even a few seconds in and she was already interrupted.

"Oi, Monoma..."

Monoma Neito stepped up and let out a plastic smile.

"We don't even know who you are, sure, you're the pro heroes daughter but what gives you the right to just order us around?"

(Y/n) stared.

"Is it because you have an excellent quirk? Why aren't you in U.A then? Do you really think that if your the heroes daughter we'll just let you do as you please?" Monoma scoffed,

"You have to earn our trust and respect first."

The area was silent for a good 5 seconds and no one else spoke up, indicating that they too, thought of it.

Because from their point of view, ever since the release of the Hero Killer's video...

Not all heroes are good people at all.

The world isn't just black and white as they thought it would be.

So who could prove that they she wouldn't fail them as a heroes daughter, who's to say that she isn't using the title as a pro heroes daughter to mess around?

(Y/n) smiled and she raised her bokken and pointed it at the tree.

"Alright, my adoptive dad trusted me with this so I'll show you to all your questions."

And with that, she walkes up to the nearest tree trunk and raised her bokken.

The sound of water dropped onto the unmoving lake and waves crashed against the boundaries before it became silent.

Eleventh form: Dead Calm

Her (e/c) orbs glowed slightly and with a quick step to the right, her bokken swishing towards the left...

She appeared behind the trunk and a heavy thud rang through the clearing.


"No way..."

"Her quirk? Cutting through a trunk..."

(Y/n) turned around, already regretting her decisions.

"That," she started, pointing at the tree branch, "Is proof of my hardwork, I am quirkless but it was my physical ability that brought me here to teach you brats."

A Pillar's quirk [KNY x BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now