Chapter 39

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I let out a breath of relief as I watched warriors drag Elder Morris and Elder Warren out. Ah! They were not Elders anymore. At least I didn't have to worry about them again.

"Are you okay?" Drake caressed my back gently. I looked up narrowing my eyes.

"Is this the reason you wanted to tell our parents today?"

He looked away avoiding my eyes, "not exactly but yes!"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry. I thought..."

He was interrupted by Elder Henry, Drake's grandfather and the crowd went silent giving their attention towards him.

"It's good and we're happy that everything settled down. But..." He looked at Drake giving me an unsettling feeling. Drake might have felt it too because he squeezed my hand tight, "Drake, the future Alpha, needed to be punish for his violent actions against an Elder and we ask Alpha's permission to proceed"

The room filled with gasps and everyone started to whisper themselves, but all I could do was gaped at Elder Henry. Was he serious?

"Father!" Alpha Anderson spoke after a while, "is this necessary? I know he did something wrong but Warren was at fault and he's not an Elder anymore. So...?"

"He shouldn't have behave like that Anderson. Believe me I'm doing this for his own good. He must learn the consequences of his actions. He's the future Alpha. So he must learn that problems can't be solved through violence"

"But he was talking about my mate..." Drake clenched his hands gritting his teeth.

"If it wasn't for your father you could have killed him" Elder Henry glared at Drake, "when dealing with an enemy it's important to keep your emotions under control. And specially you shouldn't act on it"

Drake growled muttering under his breath.

"Your punishment is to spend three days in dungeon"

"What?!" Drake growled again, "no!"

A pain shot through my heart. Not dungeons.

"Five days then" Elder Henry growled and Alpha Anderson squeezed his eyes shut, "if you behave you'll come out in three days. If not you'll stay there for a week without food and water"

Before Drake could say anything I squeezed his hand, silently pleading him not to say anything. I could manage three days without seeing him, I hope, but not a week.

"I accept my punishment" Drake sighed giving up and he cupped my face. "Please stay safe, Elly and don't go anywhere alone." I nodded my head. "I'll be out in three days. I promise!"

"I know" I squeezed his hands, "I'll wait for you. We can go on another date after that" I smiled.

Drake grinned and kissed my forehead. "I'm looking forward to it"

With that he left with my father and Ian to the dungeon where he was going to spend next three days. I held back my tears as I didn't want to cry infront of the whole pack. Mom and Luna Amy stayed by my side while Roy tried to comfort me saying dungeons were not that bad.

Alpha Anderson sent others away as it wasn't a good time to celebrate their future Luna without future Alpha by her side. I could tell he was worried about Drake but he gave me an encouraging smile to say everything would be alright.

I refused Lisa's and Claire's invitations to spend the night with them. All I wanted to do was go home and spend some time alone. I had a lot of things to think and sort out.

Relationships were not simple as they seemed and I took ours for granted. I was glad and complimented myself for giving Drake a chance and today it proved me that how much Drake meant to me. Drake had become my life and the thought of losing him nearly drove me crazy.

First day I tried to be cheerful by making jokes that weren't funny and laughing at everything others say. They looked worried but I couldn't care.

At night mom came and told me that it was okay to accept my feelings and most importantly cry. So second day I spent crying, sleeping and crying to sleep.

So when the third day came I almost looked like a zombie. My skin looked pale and I had red puffy eyes. I walked past people without acknowledging them and didn't bother to reply when they asked questions. Most of the time I stared into an empty space trying not to think about Drake. But I knew it wasn't going to work when I felt tears and started to cry again.

However when the day passed by and the night time came I started to feel alive knowing that next day I would be able to see Drake again. So when dad told me that they released Drake few minutes ago I cried out of happiness. I didn't expect him to be released today!

Dad dropped me at the pack house and left leaving me all alone infront of the building. I cringed as memories from three days ago started to crawl back in to my mind...

Night breeze flew kissing my skin and it woke me up from my trance. Drake!

I ran upstairs and stopped infront of his door. His scent was strong and all I wanted to do was embrace him, but I hesitated to knock on the door. I wanted to tell him I was sorry and how much I missed him. But I didn't know what to tell him first.

The door opened suddenly and a hand pulled me in. Sparks went all over my body as he embraced me in a tight hug. We started to kiss and I poured all my emotions into it without holding back.

Drake started to kiss my jaw placing small kisses along the neck and he settled on the spot where his mark would be. I wasn't going to stop him this time and I wanted be marked as his.

Drake pulled away and stared into my eyes. His eyes were pitch black and I was sure mine looked the same.

"You're not stopping me?" his voice held bit of a surprise.

"I don't want to"

"A..are you sure? There's no turning back Elly. You're going to be mine and I won't let you go no matter what"

"It wasn't an option in the first place" I smiled, "all I know is that I don't want to leave your side and I want to be yours, forever"

Drake didn't reply but smiled and he started to kiss me again. I kissed him back letting myself drown into these emotions and freeing my heart from any worries. I stopped him when my bare back hit the mattress and whispered the words I was waiting tell.

"I love you Drake" I kissed him.

He smiled.

"And I love you more"

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