Deep sea (tentcale)

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You are a marine biologist living on a submarine.
You are on a mission to find the monster that lives deep below the sea, the beast that holds the key to mankind's most precious resource: the oil that floats atop the ocean.
The stakes have never been higher.
Despite your fears, you are determined to find the beast.
You have been marooned for months aboard the RV S.S.R.R.G.N.R. All on your own, You now know that the creature you seek is not a monster.Sure it looks like a monster but it's only a tentacle creature that has been living on the sub with me for a week now as I take tests on it. It has proven to be a willing and compliant test subject and has allowed me to study and learn more about these sea creatures and the ocean itself. Today I'm examining it's tentacles, it's behavior and how it relates to marine biology in general.
You flip on the light switch next to the door and close your eyes. For a moment the fluorescent lights flicker on and off, bathing you in a blueish white light. You can feel its soothing caress but the light gives you a sense of security and helps you to relax. I walked over to the creature and started examining its tentacles, they all seemed like normal octopus tentacles I got to the last one, this one was bigger and thicker then the others. I poked and stroked the tentacle like I did with the others, once I turned around to write in my notes I felt something wrap around my waist. I screamed and tried to shake it off, the creature responded by wrapping its tentacles around me more going under my shirt and up to my chest, I squirmed as it wrapped around one of my boobs " oh please stop" I wined and like it understood me the tentacle was off of me. I quickly left the room not knowing what else to do.
You went back to your normal routine but you couldn't get one thought out your head' what if I never stopped the creature?' This question botherd you the rest of your day. That night as you lay in bed that question still playing with you, you Finally had enough of your mind and this question so you got out of bed and made your way to the room you have been keeping the creature. Once you got to it's room you hesitated before going in , lights still on from earlier that day, you walk closer to the creature . As you got close enough you started stroking the biggest tentacle like before seeing if this was what got it started. You where right as a tentacle went to touch you bet stoped " it's ok you can touch me" you said softly, not waiting any more time the tentacle wrapped back around your waist going under your night shirt. You started to stroke it back and forth while keeping your other hand on the creature to pet it, the tentacle responded with a slow but steady pulse of it's own.You closed your eyes as you let out a sigh feeling the tentacle coil up your body, suddenly you hear a loud ripping sound your eyes shoot open and realise the creature had ripped your night shirt off you leaving you in only your bra and panties. You shudder as more tentacle wrap around your arms and legs lifting you up in the air. Two tentacles wrap around your bra snapping it off as two small tentacles came close to your nipples slowly entering your boobs. Your scream from pain and pleasure as they pump a warm liquid into your small boobs. As that was happening the biggest tentacle started to move closer to your pussy, as one of them ripped your panties off leaving you completely exposed to the creature. You let out a squeal of pleasure and pain as it slowly but surely begins to enter your pussy. You can feel its warm squishy body moving in and out of you. You look down to see your boobs becoming inflated from the liquid being pumped into them and a lump in your tummy riding and falling with every thrust into your pussy. The tentacles are so soft and small yet each one is able to stretch to twice it's size as they reach into you. You start to arch your back as the tentacles do their work inside of you. Once your boobs got to a f size cup the small tentacles left your nipple a little bit if the liquid drizzled out. You start to feel the lump growing as your womb starts to fill up with a clear liquid that feels amazing as it trickles into you. As your womb fills up with the clear liquid, the creature's movements become more forceful as it's body slides in and out of you ever more rapidly. Your head is left spinning as you try to get used to this as you feel the creature move at the speed of light inside of you. Your back arches and you get your tailbone as far back as you can as the creature continues to pump into you as you cum hard. You cum so hard that it feels like you will collapse from the sheer pleasure of it as you feel the creature squirt it's seed into you filling you up making your tummy bloat. The creature pulls out of you and you can see that it is covered in a clear jelly like substance. The jelly substance starts to solidify as it drips down your legs and on to the floor. The creature slowly lowers you to the ground as you slowly drift off to sleep from how tired those events had made you. The next morning you woke up and the creature was gone.
You quickly got out of bed and went into your bathroom and examined yourself, you saw that your tits where still huge and you rested your hand on your tummy feeling the bloated skin. "It wasn't a dream" you thought to yourself as a smile appeared as you continued to grope yourself in the mirror.

That was the first and not the last for you and the creature.

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